Chapter Five:

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On The Beach

   Two days, left with either one or two days left until Remmy would be killed? Remmy doesn't know. And no one else knows either. The guards had doubled up which had kept Remmy from showing Alexander what his mother looked like. But now, he can.

   Alexander walked down the corridor of rooms with the lady servant that's always with him. Her name is Payton. She is Alexander's personal servant. As he walked down the corridor, he kicked the ground as if he were missing every step he took. But really, he's just upset.
   Remmy walked out of his bedroom with his coat and Alexander's coat. He was about to walk away to find Alexander but then the three guards that now guarded his bedroom moved with him. Remmy stopped walking and turned around. He stared at the guards.
"What are you doing?" Remmy asked. The guards bowed their heads.
"Protecting you, my king." One guard spoke. Remmy slanted his head a little.
"Let me alone for a little." Remmy demanded. The guards quickly backed up to where they were before. Remmy turned around and walked down another long corridor of rooms that are still out of use. He turned down one hall and on lucky chance, he saw Alexander and Payton.
"Alex!" Remmy called out. It echoed down the corridor and Alexander stopped. He turned around and saw his father. Remmy walked down to Alexander. When he got to him, he handed Payton Alexander's coat.
"Put this on him please. It's quite cold out." Remmy pleaded. Payton bowed her head and took the coat. She put it on Alexander.
"What are we doing father?" Alexander asked as Payton buttoned the coat up.
"We are gonna go see your mother." Remmy said. Alexander smiled. Remmy walked up to Alexander and lifted him up off the ground.
"Mrs. Payton, you are excused." Remmy said.
"Thank you, my king." Payton said as she bowed her head. Remmy carried Alexander towards a random exit outside of the castle. Alexander shivered at the cold. Remmy walked around one tower that was apart of the large ice over castle, still holding Alexander in his arms. He walked over to the old castle garden which Victoria used to take care of. But since she passed, the garden has just laid to rot. Except for one area in the garden which was where Victoria and Remmy's father Isaac were buried. Right in place where Remmy could see both from his bedroom window. He set Alexander down. Alexander looked at the two royal gravestones. Remmy knelt down in the cold snow and cleared one gravestone off. The frozen ice and soft snow on top of it fell to the sides. It revealed a gravestone with the words Victoria Weller, Beloved Queen, Wife, and Mother. Remmy smiled. Alexander looked at the gravestone with his young mothers name on it. Remmy looked on the bottom of the gravestone and there was a frame leaning on the gravestone. It was covered in snow. He cleared it off and it revealed the frame with a picture in it. Alexander got on his knees and looked at the woman in the picture.
"Is that mommy?" Alexander asked.
"Mhm." Remmy said softly.
"If there is a picture of her here, why aren't there any around the castle?" Alexander asked. Remmy touched the picture carefully.
"Because this is the only picture I have of her." Remmy said. Alexander looked at Remmy.
"She's pretty." Alexander spoke. Remmy smiled a little.
"Yeah. Yeah she was." Remmy said with a slight chuckle. Alexander looked up at the sky and his eyes caught a glance of the waves. He smiled.
"Daddy, can we go to the beach?" Alexander asked, pulling on Remmy's coat. Remmy looked at Alexander and then he looked over at the frozen over ocean, the Deep Blue. He stood up and took Alexander's hand.
"Yeah." Remmy said. Both of them walked out of the old garden and over to a pair of stairs that stopped at the iced over sand. Alexander ran over to the beach. Each time he took a step on the sand, it made a crunch because of the ice covering it. Remmy walked down the stairs and only payed attention to his surroundings. But, because he did so, he saw Liam across the water on the beach in North Bridge. Liam was laying on the iced sand looking up at the sky like it was a sunny day. Remmy could help but think he was crazy. Then, he turned back to his son. Alexander was trying to make a sandcastle. Remmy smiled.

The King of the Castle: In The Ice (Boy Love/LGBTQ+) Where stories live. Discover now