Chapter Six:

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The Throne

   The next day passed which stressed everyone out. But it eventually told the King that the next morning, he'd be dead? That night, the night just after he got to dance around a soft fire with many of his villagers, he'd been at his side of the table. He was eating slowly. Clarissa had finished eating a long while ago. But according to the royal laws, the first to stand at a table has to be the king. Clarissa was tapping her heals intensely. Alexander was trying to finish his food but he was also busy playing with a toy at the same time. Remmy ate from his fork and looked at Clarissa. He chewed the food he had stuck in his mouth a swallowed.
"Could you stop clacking your heals?" Remmy asked. Clarissa looked at Remmy and she didn't stop.
"Sorry. I'm counting the time. I wanted to travel to the warm ocean side for a little." Clarissa said happily.
"Tonight?" Remmy asked.
"Yes." Clarissa said.
"You'll freeze, even in a carriage wagon. You should leave tomorrow afternoon. It'll be warmer at least." Remmy said.
"No!" Clarissa cried. Remmy and Alexander looked at Clarissa with confusion.
"Aha— sorry. I mean, I'm really eager to leave." Clarissa spoke happily. Remmy watched Clarissa's lying face. She'd alway been bad at lying. And now he knew why she was eager. He looked at his plate and stood up. This alarmed Clarissa and she stood up immediately after.
"Good night my son!" Clarissa said happily as she ran down a nearby hall, tapping the ground with her heals. Remmy stood there near his chair watching her leave. Corey, who'd heard the whole thing, walked out of the kitchen with his servants. The servants picked up all the plates. Corey walked over to Remmy and touched his shoulder. He whispered into Remmy's ear. Remmy listened to every bit and before he knew it, he understood. He looked at the table.
"Yeah, I know." Remmy said. Corey looked at Remmy.
"My king, might we have an escape plan laid out for you?" Corey asked. Remmy shook his head no.
"My guards say they are working on one but we have yet to figure one out yet." Remmy explained. Corey looked down to the ground.
"My loyalty will only ever be to you. I'll refuse you to die." Corey spoke bravely. Remmy smiled.
"I respect your loyalty. Thank you." Remmy spoke. Corey bowed his head. Remmy walked over to Alexander and lifted him up into his arms and off the chair.
"Wanna go see mommy?" Remmy asked. Alexander smiled.
"Ya!" Alexander spoke happily. Remmy smiled but he had sad eyes. He carried Alexander over to the throne room where Becker was waiting for him.
"Becker, let's go see Victoria." Remmy pleaded. Becker looked at Remmy with unfortunate eyes. He looked nervous. He walked over to Remmy.
"Are you sure?" Becker asked as a whisper voice. He looked at Remmy for an answer. Remmy nodded his head.
   Becker made a sigh and escorted Remmy and Alexander out to the royal garden. It was nearly all dark in the sky when they went back inside. It was after last meal anyways.

   Remmy went to bed when it rang midnight. He was nervous for the morning, only thinking of a man yearning for the king of Istan, killing him at first sight. He fell asleep, scared.

   In the early morning, Remmy awoke. He ran is morning normally. He got up, dressed by the servants, and went down for breakfast with his son and mother. Of course, Clarissa was already gone. When the servants checked her room, they found every little thing she owned, gone. Remmy had been curious on the face but he was fairly knowledgeable to where she had really gone. Remmy ate breakfast slowly. Corey and Becker, along with several guards, waited around Remmy and Alexander, keeping close to every entry way and exit.

   Liam, only staying in the cottage, was also on alert. He leaned back in the chair even though he was supposed to be on his way to Nautica Port already. For awhile, he hadn't seen anything so he stood to wait for Corey to come home. After breakfast, Corey didn't want to go away for the loyalty of his king, but he also didn't want Liam to leave without a goodbye. He rushed home so he could go back to the castle quickly afterwards. He ran down the beach and to the cottage as soon as he got off the land bridge. He rushed through the door.
"Liam didn't leave yet right?!" Corey cried out. Liam was packing a bag of stuff he thought he'd take. When he heard his name, he looked up. He stood up straight and walked around the kitchen wall.
"I haven't." Liam spoke. Corey was out of breath. But he had stern and sad eyes. He quickly rushed up to Liam and hugged him as tight as he could. Liam flinched and somewhat smiled. He returned the hug and put his arm around him. Marilyn walked out of the kitchen and leaned on the doorway. She couldn't help but smile.
"I don't want you to leave yet." Corey mumbled quietly. Liam chuckled slightly.
"Ya 25, or 5?" Liam asked.
"5, if it means I get to hug you tightly and plead you to stay." Corey said. Liam's chuckle and smile dissolved.
"I'm sorry Corey. If be true, the castle draws me. I only came to see you and mama but the more I stay, the more I wanna be here for the castle." Liam said. Corey looked at the ground and he pulled away from Liam's arms.
"Liam, please come back soon. I don't care if you have to swim to get here. Please just come back." Corey pleaded. Liam smiled happily.
"Corey, I promise I'll come back. If not for you, then for mum." Liam said. Corey smiled and turned to the window that had a clear view of the castle. His smile immediately started to fade. He rushed up to the window.
"Oh shit!" Corey cried. Liam and Marilyn ran over to the window and looked at the beach of the castle. There were three large boats rowing up to the castle beat. It had a flag which also had the Istan symbol on it.
"The king-" Marilyn said. Corey looked at Liam. Liam frowned. Corey grabbed Liam's arm.
"Liam-" Corey started. Liam turned to Corey.

The King of the Castle: In The Ice (Boy Love/LGBTQ+) Where stories live. Discover now