Chapter Three:

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Where's The King?

They said to put clothes on that won't make me look like a royal.
"How the hell am I supposed to do that?" Remmy complained, sitting on his bed as he glared at Becker. Becker just smiled.
"My king, I'm gonna take you to a pub tonight. All I can say is you will see sailors, pirates, and alcoholic fathers who can't take care of their families." Becker said.
"Why the hell would I go then?" Remmy asked, standing up from the bed. Becker crossed his arms and made a satisfying face.
"It's a pub and there will be pounds of alcohol. Do you not want to go?" Becker asked. Remmy looked at Becker with his royal blue eyes. They pierced on Becker's eyes until he finally came to realization.
"How'd you know?" Remmy asked, walking over to his closet to find clothes for himself.
"Your boredom isn't from not having something to do my King." Becker said. Remmy looked at his closetware and somewhat sulked. He walked out of his closet.
"That ain't no explanation." Remmy said. Becker walked into Remmy's closet and looked through the clothing.
"You aren't bored of not having anything to do my king. You are bored of your life my king." Becker said, pulling out a cloaked cape. Remmy looked at Becker, knowing the truth. Becker handed Remmy the cloaked cape.
"You're right, you have nothing in your closet so just wear this." Becker said. Remmy took the cap and looked at it.
"Do I have to pay?" Remmy asked, putting the cloak on himself.
"Nah, you're the king remember. You don't have to pay for anything." Becker said. Remmy put the hood over his head and looked at Becker.
"I see." Remmy said. Becker looked at the old fashioned watch on his wrist.
"Alright, let's go now. It's nearly evening and your mother said she wasn't gonna eat a last meal. Corey said he'd feed Alexander." Becker said. Remmy nodded nervously. Becker left the bedroom and Remmy followed. They left once Becker picked up his coat.

It was freezing but for Remmy, it was sort of refreshing. Becker walked into the cold as if it were casual. Remmy felt nervous that the castle guards would see him but Becker assured him that no one would notice. They were getting closer to the bridge which was the only entrance and exit of the island that the Cassia sat on. Remmy took a moment and turned around. He saw his castle and stopped walking. Becker heard the footsteps stop and then he stopped. He turned around and looked at Remmy.
"What is it, my king?" Becker asked. Remmy stared at his castle.
"Has my Cassia always looked that big?" Remmy asked. Becker looked up at the castle then to Remmy. All he could see was the back of the hood on the cape that Remmy was wearing.
"Yea my king." Becker said. Remmy turned back around and walked towards Becker. Becker smiled and turned around. Both left into the smoke filled village.

"I'm very sorry we couldn't get something that you could ride in. But unless to give your identity out, we couldn't risk it." Becker explained as they walked down a road.
"It's fine. I could use a walk in the fresh air." Remmy said. Becker glanced at Remmy.
"My king, ain't no fresh air here." Becker said. Remmy looked at Becker then to the sky that was mostly smoke then cloud. He looked down at the snow mucked ground. He smiled.

Corey walked into his mothers cottage as he took his jacket off.
"Mother, I'm home." Corey called out. Marilyn walked out into the main room and smiled.
"Hello baby." Marilyn said nicely. Corey looked over at the chair that Liam had slept in for the night. He looked at his mother.
"Did Liam leave?" Corey asked.
"No, he went to the pub with a friend. Besides, I wouldn't let him leave until you at least apologize to him for calling him a coward." Marilyn said with an honest smile. Corey looked down.
"It is the real truth though mother. But I wouldn't want him to leave without saying goodbye." Corey said. Marilyn smiled.
"Well, if that's the case, can you go make sure your brother gets home safely and doesn't end up passed out on the street?" Marilyn asked kindly. Corey looked at his mother and sighed. He put his jacket back on and nodded.
"Thank you baby!" Marilyn said happily as she waved goodbye. Corey left the cottage and walked down the beach. He got to a rock wall with stairs carved into it. He walked up the stairs and then walked down a street that ended at a four way. With incredible timing, he ran into Becker and Remmy. Becker saw Corey and smiled.
"Corey!" Becker called out. Corey was about to turn down the street to his right but when he heard Becker's voice, he stopped and turned to his left. He saw Becker and Remmy. His eyes showed shock as they widened a bit.
"Is that-" Corey started.
"It's our king." Becker said proudly. Corey quickly bowed his head. Remmy looked at Corey.
"Where are you off too?" Becker asked. Corey pointed to the street to the right.
"I'm headed to the Stone Pub." Corey said. Becker looked at Corey with confusion now.
"Funny, we are going there too. But i thought you didn't drink." Becker said.
"I don't drink. My brother is there and probably drunk out of his mind." Corey said as he turned to the right. The three walked with each other to the pub.

The King of the Castle: In The Ice (Boy Love/LGBTQ+) Where stories live. Discover now