Chapter 18 - breakthrough

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First of 500!!! THIS IS INSANE I DONT KNOW WHAT TO SAY. My views are going up like crazy and it's really making me happy:)

I wanted to thank my actives who are reading my chapters literally as I publish them. I also wanted to thank the people who vote every single chapter as they read them:))

Last off I wanted to thank the person who keeps commenting. I LOVE THE COMMENTS KEEP THEM COMING!! (I'm not going embarrass you by putting your user here but do know I Read the comments and it makes me happy).


Ok enjoy:)


* Several hours after last chapter (it's the middle of the night now) *

The burning sensation of a bruise was long gone, her tears had run out hours ago, and there was nothing left to do but lie there.

She looked at this one spot on the ceiling. The Boarding House was old. The ceiling had many spots after it's years of service but only one spot stood out to Elena. One spot that caught her attention. Nothing else mattered nothing else was there.

After her tears had run out and her cheek had gone numb everything else slowly started to numb down and disappear too. First the feeling of her feet, then her legs until all Elena could do now was stare at that one stupid spot on the ceiling. She wasn't even sure if she was blinking. Was she breathing?

Time felt useless in this dimension she had created for herself. And all her feelings all her understandings were gone.

Sometimes reality would slip in and out. Like Damon trying to pick her up from where she was lying. Elena didn't remember physically doing it but she recalled screaming and kicking until he would finally leave her alone. It had felt like a dream.

Damon.... She hadn't thought about him while looking at that spot. The name sparked something inside of her. Something fuzzy and warm in her chest, a feeling.

That feeling began to grow slowly becoming a light.

Elena felt her eye lids close and open and her chest begin to heave. Noises where coming back to her now. 

First the sound of an tree it's leaves being dance around by the wind. Then the sounds of floor boards, someone was walking downstairs. Finally the sounds of someone breathing.

It was gentle but Elena could hear it was there, she could feel it.

And then the pain hit. Elena could remember everything again. She could understand why she felt this way. Instinctively her hand went up to her cheek, she winced at the pain of touching it.

Stefan had really slapped her. The thought seemed so impossible to Elena but there was hard evidence right there on her cheek.

He hadn't even listened to her, he hadn't let her explain. Stefan always listened! It wasn't right. Did he no longer have the patients to care anymore? To hope for Elena to have a good excuse?

Setting her hand back down Elena was surprised to feel a hard surface. Rolling on her side she was met with the view of the wooden floors of her bedroom and Damon.

His blue eyes leaking with anxiety. " 'Lena" he breathed as if he couldn't quite believe she was looking at him. How long has Elena been in her dazed condition for? The thought throbbed in her brain itching for an answer.

"How long was I-" Elena's voice was quieter than intended but she still hadn't expected Damon to cut her off.

"Six hours. I tried to move you to a more comfortable surface. But you screamed and kicked and eventually cried. I had no choice but to leave you here.."

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