Chapter 21 - Confessions

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This is the chapter after chapter 20 (Pageant) - Don't worry, you didn't skip the rest of the pageant chapter and I'm just doing a new writing style for this chapter because the Chapter was getting too much like the episode.

Ok just trust the process. I haven't skipped a chapter on updating and you haven't skipped a chapter by accident:) I just don't want anyone to get confused.



Elena's POV:
Elena watched Damon's chest rise and fall, synchronised with every breath he took. She traced the outline of his abs feeling a slight tingle in her bones whenever she traced down too far.

Damon smiled in his sleep before he shifted his position, now facing Elena, his face in her hair.

She could feel his breath on her neck and she debated waking him up for another round.

A small smile curled on her lips as she thought about what they had done just hours before. Damon's arm wrapped itself around Elena, forcing her into his chest.

He was still very much asleep, and yet sweeping her off her feet. It was pathetic and romantic at the same time.

Leaning into him Elena inhaled his sent, sending her into a dream like state. She could stay like this forever.


Her eyesight hit the clock by her bed. She hasn't mean to look at it but now she had.

Flying out of bed, Elena grabbed her scattered clothing, her face flushed.

Damon moaned from the bed, before sitting up,!forcing the whole bed to shift.


"I'm sorry, go back to sleep". She wasn't looking at him and was halfway done putting on her jeans.

"I wasn't sleeping". Elena stopped, shifting her position so she could look at him. Damon's eyes were droopy and his hair was a matted mess.

Letting a light laugh fill the air she shook her head before putting her shirt over her head. "Lair".

"I'm not lying" he offered getting out of bed.

Elena wasn't paying attention, grabbing her phone and keys she slung her backpack over her shoulder, already on her way towards the door.

"Your cute, but I have to get to school. I'm late."

"Wait". Damon was behind Elena, she could feel his breath on her neck. A small smile creeped onto her lips before she turned around and kissed him.

The moment their lips met, Elena felt everything else melt away, she was on a high that she never wanted to get off.

But then reality hit and she found herself breaking the kiss way too soon. Their passion dissolving In front of them.

Damon frowned his arms crossed against his bare body. "Do you have to go to school? Why can't you stay here all day with me?"

Elena laughed again, a genuine smile forming on her lips. "I wish I could but I've already missed too much".

With that she turned, finding her way to the boarding houses front door again.

She was halfway through the door when Damon's voice reached her ears again. "Wait".

She knew she shouldn't wait. She should get going, she had already missed first period. But something about the way Damon said 'wait' made it impossible for her to ignore him.

Delena - Damon and Elena's secret Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt