Chapter 16 - Damon...

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Damon's POV:
Damon had been drinking his weight in Bourbon when he had heard Elena screaming from her room. Normally Damon would've been eavesdropping on Stefan and Elena finding the best ways to get under his brothers skin, but today he had, had no motivation. He felt empty. Why had he taken the high road and told Elena? She had finally shown some sort of feelings towards him and he'd obliterated them before they'd even had a chance to spark. He was his own worst enemy.

Damon found himself subconsciously making his way up tp Elena's room, he hadn't expected Stefan and Elena to fight, otherwise he would've listened into their conversation.

Stuck in his thoughts he nearly ran into Stefan at the top of the stairs. "You've looked better", he commented handing Stefan the glass of bourbon he had been drinking not that long ago. Stefan scoffed, he then took the bourbon and looked between Damon and Elena's front door. However, to Damon's surprise he didn't say anything and instead vanished without a second glance.

If Damon was honest he didn't really care, for some reason he had decided to go to Elena's room and now that he's Bourbon was gone he saw no reason to change his plans, knocking swiftly on her front door he waited a total of 5 seconds before entering, striding in like he owned the place.

To Damon's surprise he found Elena crying hysterically on her bed, without thinking he sped to her side and put a gentle hand on her shoulder. "hey... hey... I'm sure whatever it is it'll be ok". Damon wanted nothing more than to hug Elena but he remembered how she had acted earlier when he had told her about Stefan and decided against it. The interaction still hurt.

Fortunately for Damon Elena instinctively put her head into his chest, trying desperately to breathe, her chest was heaving frantically, Damon put an awkward arm around her and stayed silent, as he felt her beginning to calm down.

Damon never thought of himself as the kind of guy who would calm down a crying girl and he definetley never thought of himself as the kind of guy who would enjoy it. Espically when he was successful, yet here he was, listening to Elenas sobs vanish completely and be replaced by the gentle sound of her breathing.

Eventually Elena calmed herself down, Damon could feel her starting to shift under his grasp and reluctantly let her go. Elena's eyes were puffy red and she seemed to be self conscious about the situation.

Damon offered a reassuring smile, he then shifted his weight so he was sitting next to her and put an arm around her body, trying to make himself seem at home.

Just like he'd hoped the action calmed Elena and she finally spoke, her voice small. "Did you know... did you know that Jeremy would have to become a hunter for my curse to be lifted?".

Damon was startled by the question, truthfully he had known that Elena would react like this the moment Stefan told him about the plan, but still it  felt unreal. It was tempting to lie, to seem like the ultimate good guy. To be Elena's hero, unfortunately Damon was taking the high road today, a little to much for his liking.

"I knew...". Elena looked up at him with puppy dog eyes. He decided to continue. "I offered to be the one to do it. But Stefan was quite set on me being the one to save you".

Elena nodded slowly, her gaze never shifting. That look made Damon feel like he should say more, he had to say more. "Elena I don't mind being the bad guy, I would've gladly have been the one to turn Jeremy if it meant saving you. I like to be the bad guy with good intentions, I'm the one who gets things done so nobody else has to, so that in the end of the day when a terrible sacrifice has to be made I'm the one everyone gets mad at. I would do anything to save your life. Because I'm selfish".

He hadn't meant to reveal so much, but it all just came out in a roll. He couldn't look at Elena anymore, it was humiliating, embarrassing even, that's why he was so surprised when he heard her speak.

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