Chapter 4 - First Night at the Boarding House

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"Jer!" Elena exclaimed happy to see Jeremy before she left for the boarding house. "I was hoping to see you before I left" she smiled pulling him into a hug. "Ok.. Elena" he said patting her shoulder trying to hide his smile. "I'm going to be so worried about you living alone, promise me you'll be ok" Elena could feel her voice starting to break. "I promise Elena" he smiled "I asked Matt and he's agreed to come live with me". Relieved Elena hugged him once more before hearing Damon call her " 'Lena... I'd really like to get going". Trying to keep back tears Elena smiled at Jeremy one more time "Call me everyday" she called the front door, before it closes behind her.

Stefan was still lying motionless on the ground where Damon had left him. Damon himself was leaning against Elena's mailbox looking sexy as ever. Why did he always seem to be leaning against something?! Did he know what effect that had on her? Feeling her cheeks grow warm she bent down to move Stefan's hair from his eyes. He looked so peaceful lying their on her front doorstep. Once again Damon's voice caught her attention. "Let's get going I don't have all day" Damon's face was blank and unreadable. Any trace of hurt was gone. As if he didn't care that Elena thought he had tricked her. She felt bad. Making deep eye contact with him she asked. "What about Stefan" Damon looked bored. "Leave him". "Absolutely not" Elena sat next to him protectively stroking his beautiful brown hair. Damon groaned. "Come on Elena Stefan's a big boy he'll find his way home. Don't make me drag you away from him". As if on que Stefan began to stir.

Elena watched anxiously as Stefan hauled himself into a sitting position slowly rolling his neck. "That hurt" he muttered looking at Elena with big eyes. Her heart hurt. Rushing over to him she crushed him in a passionate embrace barley hearing Damon's groan. He was getting annoyed. "You could not be over exaggerating more if you tried little brother". Stefan stiffened. It occurred to Elena he was only now aware of Damon's presence. Without skipping a beat he jumped to his feet charging straight towards Damon, practically yelling. "You broke my neck". Damon once again looked bored. "You pissed me off". This seemed to only piss Stefan more off. "YOU BROKE MY NECK".  Damon's eyes flashed with anger. Elena realising the situation was getting more pressing by the second spoke up. "Damon... Stefan.. let's calm down before someone gets hurt." Neither of the Salvatore brothers seemed to hear her as they now were both staring at each other angrily. Elena had had enough. Sighing she got to her feet and started walking towards the boarding house. "I've had enough drama for one day. Now if you two would like to rip each other's heads off you go and do that. But I'm going to the Boarding house and having a bath". With that she vamp speeded until she found herself at the front door of the Salvatore boarding house. 

Soaking in a warm bath Elena felt tired. Living with both Salvatore brothers was going to be exhausting. She knew that. Looking at herself in the mirror across the bathtub she couldn't help notice how dreadful she looked. Her skin was a milky white colour that looked like it hadn't seen the sun in years. She had massive bags under her eyes and her hair was a straight up birds nest. Forcing herself to look away Elena wondered how much squirrels blood she had thrown up. Thinking back on it she had thrown up more blood then she had consumed from the squirrel. Great she groaned slumping lower into the bath. Not only had she thrown up squirrels blood but Damon's blood as well. That meant she needed more of his blood before hunting with Stefan tomorrow. Rubbing her temples Elena listened to the silent sounds of the boarding house putting her in a meditational like slumber.

20 or so minutes later the front door slammed. It was followed by the bickering from both Salvatore brothers. Shaking her head slightly Elena wrapped a towel around herself and went downstairs to shut them up. 

"And what makes you think you have any say in this"  Stefan huffed flopping down on an ancient leather chair. "Well let me think. This is my house and I was simply just stating an idea". Damon replied taking off his leather jacket then flinging it across the room carelessly. "A stupid idea" Stefan muttered. Damon  looked like he was about to add a snarky comment when his attention suddenly shifted to Elena who was standing at the top of the stairs now very aware of the fact that she was only wearing a towel. His expression changed from annoyance to a passionate smirk his eyes absorbing Elena's body. Every second was pure heaven for him. It didn't take Stefan long to catch on. He vamp speeded up the stairs pushing Elena out of view of Damon's hungry eyes. "What do you think your doing" he hissed failing to hide the jealousy on his face. Elena's heart dropped how could she have been so stupid? Before she could reply Damon's voice came echoing from the living room. "Don't be so controlling Stefan.. she had a towel on for gods sake". Elena could picture his smirk from behind the wall. And something in her stomach fluttered. Somewhere deep down she'd enjoyed the desire Damon seemed to have for her body. Feeling disgusted with herself Elena pushed the feeling deep down and shuffled to Stefan's room to put some clothes on.

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