Chapter 17 - The blood

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Elena's POV:
Elena and Damon were past the point of privacy, Damon had saved Elena too many times for her to ask him to leave.

Damon had set Elena down on the bathroom floor not a moment too soon before she felt the Rabbit blood pass her osphegous.

Using all her strength to support her on the bathroom floor Elena felt Damon crouching beside her holding up her hair. The small gesture sparked something inside of her but she had no time to dwell on it before she felt the blood rushing through her throat once more.

Throwing up the rabbit blood was a long and painful process, Elena would've given up on everything if Damon hadn't been there to hold her hair up and eventually support her all together while all she could do was puke.

By the time she had finshed Elena felt grotty and embarrassed. Damon however didn't seem fazed, he scooped her up and set her back into bed, propping her up with pillows so that Elena could sit up right.

The simple touch of his skin was enough to make Elena go feral. It's the lack of blood. She reminded herself furiously. This was Stefan's brother.

Elena's head was pounding. And she could feel her veins close up. She felt like sand paper and it hurt to move. "Stupid Animal blood". She muttered unaware that Damon was listening.

He had propped himself up next to her and was playing with her hair. It had seemed so normal Elena hadn't even realised.

With a lot of effort and pain Elena turned her head to face Damon her eyes watering in the process. Damon was quick to react slowly dropping her hair and supporting Elena.

"Hey... don't move". He said looking into her eyes with a worried expression. Instantly Elena stopped moving. She was in an uncomfortable angle but stayed there waiting for Damon's next word.

He sighed brushing a strand of hair away from Eleans face. "I was going to be an ass and was going to make you have to ask..." he paused to push up the sleeve of his shirt.

"But your way too stubborn and have too good morals. Lucky for you, I can't bare seeing you like this so I'm offering you my blood Elena. Take it".

It took Elena a lot of effort. It felt like she was pushing her sand papered veins to their limits as well as her mental barriers as she slowly shook her head.

Damon let out a loud exasperation before he bit down on his wrist. "Elena...." He started but stopped when he saw Elena grimace at the pain it took her to shake her head faster.

The smell off blood was addicting and Elena found her eyes drawn to Damon's wrist. But she stayed strong feeling herself quite literally go dry.

Then the sweet sensation of Damon's blood hit her lips. The familiar feeling of blood flowing through her body put Elena in a momentaril euphoric mood. She felt like she was being lifted up to heaven.

Leaning into Damon she started to take more blood hungrily feeling her body regain its strength.

And the it hit her. Damon had shoved his wrist into her mouth. With a lot of self control and effort Elena pulled the wrist away from her mouth. Her stomach growling hungrily.

Elena had only taken enough not to desicate and to be able to move without pain. She was now a hungry vampire.

Damon's eyes narrowed at her. He didn't seem surprised by her action but he wasn't defeated either. He was challenging her.

The room was silent. Elena watched unwillingly while the blood ran down Damon's wrist. Such a waste she thought to herself before she snapped out of it. She wouldn't let Damon win.

Damon started to lean towards Elena, his wrist starting to heal up. A few more seconds, Elena thought and then there will be no more temptation.

But Damon had other ideas, he bit down into his wrist this time messily, forcing blood to squirt everywhere. Elena felt the veins in her face pop and her fangs extend.

Thinking quickly she took the pillows on her bed and build a barricade, forcing Damon and his blood out of her sight.

The only problem was Elena could still smell Damon's blood, and he knew it. The smell of  rich blood flooded through her nostrils. Rich blood that and the promised to fill her up and give her the familiar warm feeling of being held.

Feeling her hunger take over her body Elena shoved the pillow barricade, she had build out of the way and jumped onto Damon, shoving his bite marks perfectly into her fangs.

She felt the surprise of Damon's body and smiled into his wrist with pleasure. She then felt him relax as his blood flowed easily into her.

One of Elena's hands was holding Damon's arm, angling it perfect for blood flow. The other was on his chest leaning on it for support as she lay on top of him. Damon's face was in her hair. And his one arm was wrapped around her back forcing them into an embrace. She could feel his breath quicken with every passing moment and it motivated her to take more.

Damon's blood tasted better than she had remembered and Elena cursed herself for not asking for it sooner.

The experience must have been better for Damon as well because she could hear him let out small sounds every time she picked up the pace she was drinking his blood from.

Elena was high, she was high on the feeling and taste of Damon. She could feel his body pressing into hers harshly as she drank more and more of his blood. All her worries escaping her momentarily.

"What the hell".

Elena froze. She recognised that voice. She just couldn't put her finger one who it belonged to. Releasing Damon's hand Elena got off him and turned to face the source of their interruption.

Everything slowed and Elena's heart sank. Forcing herself to look into his eyes Elena forced her eyes to stay dry, tears threatening to slip. She then slowly started walking towards the doorway. Getting closer and closer to the figure.

Everything was on mute and Elena had no idea if Damon had moved or even said anything. She just kept going. Until finally she forced herself to speak.

She forced her brain to recognise the face she was looking at. "Stefan". She whispered the pain sounding bitter on her tongue.

Stefan's face broke Elena's heart, and she knew she could explain everything to him, she justed needed time. Stefan didn't give her time. He didn't let her even open her mouth to let out a sound before he acted.

Elena felt the familiar burn of being slapped. She watched Stefan's hand retreat from her cheek and a new sense of shock waved through her. She watched as Stefan left and felt her balance disappear.

Elena was sure she would hit the floor but something caught her before she could. Something warm and muscular.

Elena didn't know who or what it was she didn't care, she tasted her salty tears as watched the door. Unable to feel. Everything was frozen.



OK SO THIS CHAPTER IS LONG OVERDUE AND IM SO HAPPY I FINALLY WROTE IT. Sorry my updates have been slower than usual, I've been busy but there will be more updates in the future I promise!!

Also my story has been getting more views and it's kinda scary to me. BUT IM THANKFUL.

Currently we are on 436 views with 25 actives!! I know that's not a lot, but for me that's 25 people who are interested in this story and like my writing which means the world.

Basically what I'm saying is THANK YOU. And next chapters going to be crazy !!

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