Chapter 13 - Curse

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Elena's POV:
Elena didn't know where she was. She was faintly aware that she was even conscious. The floor had been cold and wet against her guilty body, but it was gone now. She was somewhere else. Somewhere safer maybe?

Trembling she could hear him speaking to her, even now.,He was in her head, whispering deadly words.
"You did this to me"

"Your a killer"

"A life for a life".

He kept repeating terrible things to Elena, making her conscience cry for help. And he would always end with telling her to kill herself. "A life for a life".

Elena shook her head trying somehow to make him go away. Everything was blurry and loud and bright. She didn't know where she was.

Then familiar arms wrapped themselves around her. The light dimmed and the voice in her head quietened.

It took Elena a while to understand what was happening. But finally she found herself understanding that Damon was hugging her, whispering things in her ear. She couldn't hear him, but his breath felt nice.

The voice was gone now. The man she has murdered had disappeared. To Elena it felt like Damon had taken him away, given her peace for a brief moment.

Finally she felt her arms willingly wrap themselves around Damon, locking them in an embrace.

She felt safe, in his arms and she never wanted to let go.

They stood there for minuets, no hours? Elena didn't know. She didn't care. Letting a sob escape from her she cried into Damon's chest, soaking his shirt.

Damon didn't push her off like she had expected him to. He didn't even ask what was wrong.  He didn't have to. Instead he slowly stroked Elena's hair, breathing softly into her neck.

It made Elena feel better, and eventually she stopped.

Realising they had been like this for too long for it to be fair to Damon.

She broke free from his grasp, trying not to show how much she didn't want to. Damon looked at her funnily and smiled a genuine smile, trying to comfort
Elena didn't say anything. There was nothing to be said. So instead she smiled back a 'thank you', then left to put some clothes on.

Only now did Elena become aware of the towel around her. He'd respected her. Damon had respected her body. Damon stayed in the bathroom seemingly shocked by what he had done.

The air hung with a suffocating tension. Both avoiding each other's eyes.

Elena made her way out of her room, Damon had disappeared earlier much to Elena's relief. There was an awkwardness in the air that she couldn't really explain.

Elena felt better, maybe the curse was over? Somehow she highly doubted it though.

Walking past Damon's door she was surprised when it creaked open revealing Damon staring at her.

The tension was so thick you could cut through it with a knife. Elena knew Damon wouldn't let her out of his sight. She was just taken by surprise that he had made his presence known.

The silence started to hurt but Elena didn't know what to say. She found herself shy around him now and it hurt just to look at him. But at the same time she missed him whenever he wasn't around.

This isn't right she reminded herself. 'You love Stefan'. Elena winced even thought it was just a thought.

Stefan hadn't really been living up to his usual morals and it was definitely making him look bad.

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