Chapter 10 - Vampire hunter

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Damon's POV:
Damon had been happily catching up on the sleep he'd missed when someone loudly slammed the front door.

Irritated, Damon sped downstairs to scold whoever it was. To his surprise it was vampire barbie and she looked horrendous. Caroline never looked horrendous, Damon noted, deciding this was his chance. "You don't look so good Vampire Barbie" he smirked knowing he would be bullying Caroline about this for literal eternity.

Caroline however, to Damon's surprise didn't reply in her usual snarky comments. Instead she staggered forward heaving breath into her lungs.

"Your a vampire you don't need to breathe". Damon noted, finding her a little over dramatic. Caroline still didn't answer she was now right infront of him her eyes welling with tears.

"Vervain". She chocked in a corse voice before fainting. In a split second decision Damon decided to catch her and carried her to the living room.

Stefan was snoring away on the couch oblivious to the whole situation. Sighing Damon swung Caroline over one shoulder and used his hands to push Stefan off the couch.

Stefan fell to the ground with a loud 'thud' that was followed instantly with a moan.

Damon wasn't paying attention to him, instead he dropped Caroline carelessly on the couch, thankful to not have her as a burden anymore and poured himself a glass of burbon.

Finally shifting his attention to Stefan he watched his little brother stand up and stretch his limbs Cleary in pain. "What was that for?!" Stefan grumped, unaware of Caroline.

Damon sighed. "You were in the way".

"In the way of what?!" Stefan's voice was starting to rise. Damon didn't care, arrogantly he pointed at the carelessly dropped Caroline who was still unconscious.

Stefan's eyes widened with terror. Damon was still unbothered and spoke again while drinking from his burbon glass. "She came in here looking horrible and collapsed in my arms".

Stefan didn't look like he was listening. He took her arms and studied her wrists. "She looks like she was tied up with Vervain". He commented, moving Caroline so she was in a less awkward position.

"Now that you mention it, she did say vervain before she fainted". Damon noted still not caring. Caroline was obviously fine now, at the moment this wasn't his problem and he wanted to sleep.

Pulling out a blood bag from a cupboard he was about to drink it when Stefan grabbed it and shoved it in Caroline's mouth. "Hey!" Damon threw his arms up in the air, unimpressed.

Stefan scolded, "she needs it more than you". Damon was about to comment on how that was untrue when Caroline began to stir.

Slowly she sat up and took the blood bag from Stefan who stepped back to give her space. Such a gentlemen, Damon thought sarcastically.

When she finished she looked at both of them with fearful eyes. "Caroline.." Stefan started in a calm voice. "Can you tell us what happened".

She nodded slowly, starting to speak but her voice was still rough from all the vervain. "Ee... ee". She kept making and E sound.

Damon was getting tired of this and was going to retire upstairs when Caroline started forming another syllable. "Eeee Eell".

All the colour drained from his face. Stefan looked at him funnily, clearly not use to seeing Damon like this.

"Stefan..." he started, making sure to make every word clear. "Where was Elena going when she left earlier?".

Stefan looked at Damon horror filling his face. Slow. Damon thought. He'd already known of course, but he has been praying he was wrong. "To meet Caroline". Stefan whispered

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