Chapter 7 - in bed with Damon

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Elena's breath was caught in her throat. If she wasn't already dead she would've definitely choked. Damon's chest looked even better up close than it had this morning at breakfast. Sucking in a breath she spoke, breaking the silence that had formed after her unpredictable action. Eyes still on his magnificent abs she whispered. "I feel really cold, that isn't normal for a vampire. Is it?". Elena hadn't noticed because Damon's chest had distracted her but she was shaking furiously. Unfortunately his magic abs didn't make her feel warm like they had distracted her from her shivers. She heard Damon let out a soft noise and finally shifted her eyes to his face.

Damon's mouth was stretched out in the widest smirk she'd ever seen. This time he'd clearly caught on, he was now fully aware of the effect his body had on her. Great Elena thought, the coldness in her body starting to hurt like frostbite. Despite his hungry grin Damon's eyes looked worried. "Your a new vampire and you threw up all the blood in your body. Being cold is a symptom that your vampire body is shutting down. It's not going to get better unless you have a body next to you warming you up." His eyes weren't worried anymore, they had shifted to amusement with anticipation. He knew what was to come. Convenient Elena thought.  sighing Elena could feel  her whole body starting ache. "I would call Caroline and Bonnie over here to do it but their having a much needed no supernatural drama sleepover at Bonnies. Because they deserve the break and only because of that you may lie next to me and warm me up". Another name was at the edge of Elena's mind. There was someone else. Someone who would be more than happy to do it. However, she couldn't remember. Matt? No... surely not. Shrugging it off she made space on the bed for Damon, biting her lip to suppress a scream and signalled for him to get in.  

Damon looked like he'd just been given his favourite burbon. Not wasting a second he slid next to her, and under the covers perfectly. Of cause perfectly Elena thought. He'd had decades of practice.

Damon's body heat was already radiating onto Elena. She could feel her shivers slowing down and Elena was already starting to feel better. In a wrong way it felt right to have Damon next to her. She could feel the electricity of his touch, she was aware of every small movement he made. And his perfect abs weren't helping the equation. Elena was failing to ignore them. They were right there. And there was nothing that she wanted more than to jump ontop of him and kiss every square inch of his chest. But she didn't.  There  was a reason she didn't she told herself. A really good reason. She just couldn't put her finger on it.

Damon's POV:
Damon had been overjoyed that he was lying next to to Elena, their bodies were so close that they were touching. Her skin, however, felt like ice cubs being rubbed on his skin. Damon wanted nothing more  then to wrap his arms around her and pull her to his chest. But he didn't. Stefan he reminded himself. He had to be respectful to Stefan. Elena was clearly not in her right mind. The next couple of thoughts shot through his mind before he could shut them down.

Why should he be respectful to Stefan? The guy was the reason why Damon had been overjoyed about being so close to Elena but couldn't be overjoyed now. The words she'd said played over and over in his head. "Sleepover at Bonnies house". Stefan had lied about where he was going. Damon was certain that his suspicions on his brother were more than valid now. Stefan had said "helping Caroline will be an all night event". Clearly he wasn't helping Caroline she was with Bonnie. So what was he doing all night? And why did he lie about it?

Deciding that he would investigate later Damon shifted his attention to Elena. Her hand was abnormally close to his abs and a smirk spread onto his face. Her expression was set with determination. Clearly she liked his naked top half. Feeling bad for her Damon decided to start a conversation. Poor girl had puked herself dry and now was finding herself smitten for Damon's body. It wasn't her fault he was so unbelievably attractive. Smirking he turned his body to face her, making sure his abs touched her hand. "So why weren't you invited to Bonnies?" he questioned half looking for an answer that would indicate Caroline had lied. Elena wasn't paying attention, her eyes were elsewhere and Damon could feel her hand lightly on his chest now. Enjoying the moment he waited for her eventual. "Huh". After it came he repeated himself.

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