Chapter 14 - The Bridge

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Damons POV
Damon found Elena by the mystic falls bridge. At the sight of her he speeded towards her his body flowing with relief. She was alive.

Elena came into view pretty quickly, her skin was pale and her eyes were bloodshot. She was shaking and Damon could hear her muttering.

"No.. no. I cant do that. I did it to save his life. No no no no..."

Being careful with every movement Damon walked up to her slowly, sucking in a breath of air before speaking.

"Hey 'Lena". He started barely whispering the words.

Elena didn't move. Damon wasn't even sure if she had heard him. He tired again. This time louder. "Elena?".

Elena kept staring dead ahead and started muttering louder now. Just outta nonsense.

Damon didn't know what to do, panic started swelling up inside of him like a hunger tiger.

Gently he put his hands on Elena's shoulders and turned her to him. Her eyes were blank and seemed to be looking no where. Damon started shaking her very slowly trying to snap her out of whatever fit she was in.

It didn't help. Elena started trembling and he knees gave out. Damon caught her flawlessly, hugging her tightly to him.

He was about to go back to the boarding house when Elena suddenly jumped out of his arms.

She walked absent mindedly to the rail of the bridge and looked into the horizon as if she was expecting something.

Damon took another deep breath and touched Elena gently on the shoulder, finally she acknowledged his presences.

"Damon?" She asked seeming unsure if she was actually seeing him or if it was another hallucination.

Damon gave an awkward smile and held and arm out to her. "It's me Elena, come let's go home".

Elena's face lit up for a millisecond, she seemed to like the idea before her eyes glazed over and she shook her head.

"I can't" she whispered turning away from Damon slowly. Her voice started to break. "There's something I have to do. I have to make it right".

Damon had a bad feeling, that whatever Elena had to do it wouldn't be good. Slowly he approached her and said.

"It's ok 'Lena, I knew he's haunting you right now but he'll be gone soon. I promise just come with me".

Elena turned to face Damon again. Her eyes danced with the possibility. And for a second Damon thought he has convinced her.

She shook her head and simply said. "A life for a life".

The skies over the lake started to bleed with colour, Damon took a second to look at its beauty before returning his attention to Elena. He wouldn't give up.

She was saying something to her hallucination. "  'Lena, you don't have to listen to him, it's just in your head". Damon pleaded this time.

Elena had tears in her eyes. "Damon I don't want to die, but..."

"But what?" He pushed.

Elena shook her head, and kept staring at the colour filled sky, a bright light began to make its way up towards the sky.

Elena calmed and looked directly next to Damon. As if someone there.

Whatever her hallucination was saying she didn't seem to agree with. "I know... but I can't leave him.... I want to go home.... A life for a life".

Damon was starting to get frustrated. If he hadn't liked Elena as much as he did now he would've snapped her neck and brought her back ages ago. Unfortunately he had too much respect for her.

Taking her arm aggressively Damon made up his mind. Him and Elena were leaving now. Trying the nice way one last time he sucked in a breathe ready for one more hopeless attempt.

"Elena we have to go..."

Elena actually nodded her head this time. Progress, Damon thought, but not fast enough progress.

Elena's nods turned into shakes and her whole body started to tremble again. Whatever the hallucination was saying to her it wasn't good.

The tip of the sun started to shine and Damon was mesmerised by it for a second. Trying to use it as a symbol to cling onto hope.

He pulled Elena into a hug, being desperate. Elena kept whispering, "it's time it's time...". She then tried to squirm out of his grip.

Damon didn't let go, somehow he knew if he did something bad would happen.

Elena was shaking viscously at this point. How long does it take Stefan to do his part Damon thought angrily. He would've done it ages ago.

As if Stefan could hear his thoughts, something happened. Elena stopped shaking, and he pulled her away to look at her face.

She looked exhausted. But her eyes no longer held that haunted glazed looked.

She blinked at him curiously, as if she'd just noticed he was there.

A smile perched itself slowly onto her lips, but didn't make its way completely before it was whipped off again.

Damon froze, something was wrong. Had Stefan failed?!.

Elena's face twisted in pain and the sun created a long shadow behind her.

Then it hit Damon. " 'Lena... where's your ring?" He whispered. His stomach twisting with dread. He wouldn't lose her. Not when he'd just gotten her back.

Elena's face was glowing red and burn marks were starting to appear. Her face twisted in and out of pain, her eyes watering. Her perfect lips opened for a second in an action that looked very painful. "Damon.." she whispered, her voice filled with pain and fright. She was scared.

That one word unfroze Damon. His mind worked at the speed of light. He could see Elena begin to evaporate infront of him. Without thinking he grabbed her as tightly as he could in his arms. Praying it wouldn't be the last time. And jumped over the bridge. Pulling them both down to the cruel water.

He watched her face as they fell, it was badly burned and stained with tears. Elena however looked calm. She trusted him, Damon realised. The thought nauseated him. This better work.

That's what he thought as they hit the unforgiving water. Slowly... they both sank. Damon forced his eyes onto Elena praying she was still there and that he wasn't imagining feeling her.

With a sigh of relief he saw her flawless face gaining its colour back from the red. Elena's eyes were closed and it was clear she was unconscious.

Sighing Damon contemplated what to do next. He couldn't bring her out of the water she would be a pile of ashes before he even made it half way to the boarding house.

Keeping her in the water wasn't an option either, someone was bound to find them and dealing with Elena waking up in the water didn't sound like a smart idea.

Harsh reality drew Damon away from his thoughts. Him and Elena were still underwater. They were drowning.

Quickly he grabbed her slamming her to his chest kicking up as quick as he could. They broke the surface and Damon checked instantly to see if Elena was breathing. She was.

Leaving her to float on the water he hoped she wouldn't burn while he dove back down to look for her ring. He just hoped it was in this lake...

Sorry for not updating.. I didn't realise I had actives... I WILL UPDATE MORE REGUARLY NOW.. - we're almost on 200 views whoop!!

Also Damon and Elena will get together soon:))

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