Chapter 3 - Squirrel Blood

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Door. Priest. Church. Tree. Stefan. Stefan...? STEFAN! Crash. Elena vamp speeded straight into Stefan, her mind still whirling with the things she had seen in a blur. "Elena? ... ELENA! Theres blood dripping from your mouth!" Panic surged through Elena momentarily freezing her. She wiped her mouth instantly her mind buzzing with a plausible lie. "I saw a rat in the bathroom and decided to see if it's blood tasted better then rabbit... it does not". She grimaced at the stupidity of her lie, she could imagine the images Stefan must be having in his head by the weird look he was giving her. She let out a nervous laugh "vampire brain...." He sighed, "I'm just happy that your not drinking human blood, I know how much that would crush you." Elena smiled up at him reassuringly. "Trust me I won't be drinking human blood anytime soon" she replied feeling her heart pound. If Stefan knew what kind of blood she'd really been drinking she wasn't sure he'd forgive her. Especially the way Damon had enjoyed it. Her stomach turned into a mass of knots. Damon had tricked her. She couldn't believe how stupid she'd been. Stefan, was looking very pleased and entangled his arm in hers "come on" he grinned "Caroline's going to kill us if we're late for the funeral".

The funeral went by in a blur, Elena's mind was buzzing the whole time her emotions threatening to boil over at any moment. She was mad at Damon. Very mad, how could he have done that to her? He'd tricked her into Pleasing him in the most intermate way a vampire can please another vampire. And Stefan... now she could never tell him about the animal blood. She wasn't sure he'd ever forgive her. Gulping she focused her attention back to the final moments of the funeral they were lowering the 12 coffins. Stefan squeezed her arm "are you ready to go hunting? I want to teach you how to catch a squirrel today" putting on her fakest smile Elena nodded. She was not ready, not ready at all.

Walking through the forest hand in hand with Stefan was an amazing feeling. Elena let her mind wonder, dropping all her worries for just a couple of moments. The sun was reflecting on the trees giving them an tropical colour and the air felt warm and soft against her skin. Perking her ears she tried desperately to listen for the sounds of a squirrel. She wanted to please Stefan. Nothing. After a while she gave up. Disappointed she kept walking. It only took Elena a couple of moments to realise Stefan wasn't walking next to her anymore. "Stefan.....?" She asked worry building up inside of her. What if he knew? Stefan was looking at his shoes not daring to make eye contact with Elena. "Elena I have something I need to tell you." He mumbled "what is it?". Stefan started to lift his head up very slowly. As if Elena's words were gonna be the last he would ever hear. "Me and Damon where talking ..." he paused. Panic surged through Elena. He knew. Stefan knew about what had happened with her and Damon. After taking a long breath he continued "and we think that it would be best if you moved into the Boarding house with us. It's not safe for you to be living alone with a vampire hunter in town. Especially because your so new to being .. you know a vampire." Elena let out a sigh of relief. He didn't know. Stefan looked up at her quizzically. "I thought you would be mad." "I am mad. You and Damon just think you can take me out of my house just because it's suddenly not safe anymore?! What about Jeremy I bet you guys haven't thought what would happen if the vampire hunter got him." Stefan looked at her his eyes filled with sympathy. "Elena... Jeremy isn't a vampire. He will be fine". Agitated Elena knew he was right.  Still she didn't like it. "Fine.. but only because I want Jeremy to have a big sister". Elena could feel anger building up inside of her. She didn't like this. Shuffling through the autumn leaves Elena finally heard it. The sound of a squirrel. Looking at Stefan she knew he heard it too. Great now I have to go catch it she thought miserably. Shooting up a tree she caught the squirrel by the tail. Stefan was watching it very closely Cleary impressed. "Damon has offered to help you pack for the boarding house. Something about bonding since you guys are going to be living together. He should probably already be there so we should get going". Still mad at Stefan Elena started trudging towards the direction of her house. Squirrel still in hand. "Elena... you should drink the squirrels blood before we go" Stefan sounded nervous as he said it. Staring anywhere else other than her. Great. Elena thought. She'd hoped that one good thing could've come from this situation she'd been forced into. Reluctantly Elena started drinking the squirrels blood, almost gagging instantly in the process. Fighting every urge in her body to drop the squirrel and hurl she kept drinking. Just for a little while longer she told herself, she could feel Stefan's eyes on her. The blood somehow tasted worse than the rabbits, Elena could feel it already trying to make its way back up while she kept drinking. Shaking slightly she let the squirrel go. Before Stefan could notice how pale her skin was or question why she was holding a hand to her mouth Elena vamp speeded in the direction of her house.

Damon was leaning against the front door of Elena's house in a very cockish manner. Elenas heart fluttered at the sight of him. Despite being mad at him for tricking her and having squirrel blood making it's way through her body, Elena couldn't help but admire how handsome he looked. His eyes reflected the bright sun and his full lips were slightly parted in a smug way. Scolding herself for getting distracted Elena stumbled towards him, the taste of squirrel blood lingering in the back of her throat. Damon's face lit up for a second when he saw her. It had happened so quickly Elena wasn't even sure she'd seen it, his lips twisted into his signature smirk. " 'Lena you don't look so good" grunting her reply Elena was already half way in her house. "Stefan made me drink squirrel blood, keep him distracted until I come back". Not even bothering to listen to Damon's reply Elena shot up her staircase, barely making it in time to the toilet.

Groaning Elena pushed herself up from the toilet. Her throat felt like someone had set it on fire and watched it burn just for fun. Quickly fixing her hair in the mirror she stumbled downstairs almost tripping 3 times. Damon stood outside her front door with an unconscious Stefan. Elena gasped practically flying the rest of the way down stairs. "Damon!" She yelled grimacing at how pitchy her voice sounded. "What?" He shrugged like this was a daily occurrence for him. "Why did you break Stefan's neck?!" Elena demanded feeling her already anger for Damon start to boil over. Damon looked at her amused. "Well I don't know if you noticed, but you sure did take your time up there" he flashed his brilliant smile before continuing "Stefan was getting impatient and to be fairly honest on my nerves so I snapped his neck to make both our lives easier."  Elena was getting agitated again "Damon!!" She cried this time louder. Damon's smirk left his face and he looked her dead in the eyes. "Look I did what had to be done. I don't expect you would have appreciated him walking in on you doing whatever attractive position you were doing hovering over the toilet." He's smirk was back and his eyes danced with amusement. Elena sighed, she was so done with him. Without another word she turned on her heel and walked upstairs wondering how she was going to survive living with Damon.

Damon had taken the cue and followed her upstairs making as much noise as possible. Sighing Elena started throwing clothes from her closet into her suitcase. Damon was watching her his amused expression imprinted onto his face. Every once in a while he'd make a flirty comment that would agitate Elena just that much more. She was still pissed at him for tricking her earlier. Elena finished packing the shirts she wanted and was making her way to the underwear drawer, only slight surprised when she found Damon already looking through it. "Pack this" he smirked holding up a very sexy pair of underwear Elena has bought for Stefan. Slapping it out of his hand Elena changed the subject. "Where's Stefan" she asked making her voice sound very pissed. She wanted him to know she was mad. "Outside where I left him" Damon replied barely phased. Elena paused. "WHAT?" Damon rolled his eyes before repeating "outside where I left him". "Unbelievable" Elena muttered purposely turning her back to him on her way to the bathroom. Damon followed her like a puppy. "Your mad" he smiled, his smugness having the wrong effect on Elena. She felt dizzy by him. "I'm not mad" she replied coldly. "Oh .. your mad" he smirked "the only thing I can't figure out is why your mad". Elena sighed. Was he really going to make her say it. "Well" he lifted an eyebrow at her almost tauntingly. "You tricked me". She mumbled. "I did not" he said almost looking surprised. Making sure to finish packing her toilet bag before she replied Elena wanted to punch him in the face. "You tricked me Damon. You had me hope you had a way to help me keep blood down then tricked me into pleasing you." He looked at her a look of hurt flashing on his face so quickly she almost missed it. Making his way out of the bathroom and pulling her now packed suitcase with him downstairs he replied blankly. "I didn't trick you Elena, you kept my blood down didn't you?". Shocked by his remark Elena didn't reply just watched him disappear down the stairs. He was right. She hadn't even thought about it. But he was right she had kept his blood down. She'd felt good for the first time since becoming a vampire. And the look of hurt on his face made her heart ache. He genuinely looked hurt. Feeling uneasy Elena followed him downstairs almost running straight into Jeremy.

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