28 - The Leading Path

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No one's POV

We see a deserted area, and in this area, we see Vali, along with a few other members from the Vali Team, exhausted after fighting some of Y/n's monsters that had found a way through the Dimensional Gap.

Bikou: Okay, what were those things? I don't think they were even devils.

Kuroka: *nods head* It didn't even feel like it was a person.

???: Huh. I guess this is perfect timing for me!

Vali and his team turn around to see Uzume standing right in front of them. However, Vali notices something about Uzume

Vali: I sense you've gotten stronger since the last time we met.

Uzume: Yeah, well that's no surprise when you're literally fighting yourself.

Bikou: Huh?

Uzume: *sigh* Look, I know you're probably busy, but I'll make this fast. I need the assistance of the Khaos Brigade one more time.

Kuroka: And why should we help you again?

Uzume: Because if you don't, none of your dreams will ever come true.

Vali becomes very enticed by what Uzume just said.

Vali: Explain a bit more in detail.

Uzume: Well, the one who kidnapped Rias, was the original me.

Bikou: Original you?

Uzume: I'm a fragment of Y/n Ankokuboshi. Why it even happened, I'm not so certain myself, so don't bother asking that question. But there's one big problem. Y/n is planning to destroy all of life as we know it. both Supernatural and Human worlds will fall. Meaning he'll target you and your team as well.

Kuroka: Well, we could just easily-

Uzume: Use your powers? Yeah, Y/n can stop time, skip it, and has a whole army of monsters, which are the ones you just fought. And Vali, since you could be one of Y/n's big targets, due to you being the Vanishing Dragon, you won't able to take down Great Red.

Vali starts thinking about Uzume said.

Ophis: Consider me intrigued.

Ophis then appears, shocking even Vali.

Vali: Wasn't expecting you to show up, Ophis.

Ophis: I didn't plan to show up. However, what Uzume said is something that is interesting to hear. Go on.

Uzume: Look, Ophis, right? I know you don't support the cause that the Supernatural world is trying to bring forth, and you're definitely not working for or with Y/n. You're on a neutral side of this war. But neutral or not, Y/n will come you and the Khaos Brigade, and he'll try and kill all of you. He won't let you guys do what you need, because he'll kill you.

Ophis: Are you sure he'll do this.

Uzume: Pretty damn sure. After all, I did get a feel of his anger a little while back. He's deadset on destroying everything. So what will it be? Help me out, and defeat Y/n, or stay here and die. Your call.

Ophis and the members of the Vali Team start talking to each other, and after a few minutes, Vali speaks up.

Vali: Fine. We'll help you again. But once Y/n is defeated for good, we're back to being enemies.

Uzume: That's alright with me. Terrorist or not to the other's eyes, we need all the help we can get.

Uzume then walks up to Vali and the two shake hands, confirming the agreement.

The Delusional Devil (Betrayed Male Reader x High School DxD)Where stories live. Discover now