3 - Finding Asia and Learning New Things

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No one's POV

Location: Heart Dimension

It's been a few days since Laura had entered Kuoh, and she's been gathering a lot of information. Turns out why Rias wanted a strong team is because she just wants to break her engagement. When Y/n found out, he was downright pissed.

Y/n: So wanted me just so she could hope to break her engagement?!

Laura: That is vhat she told me. And Monika is doing her own thing, vith that being killing.

Y/n: Good. Now head to school. If my calculations are correct, SHE will be arriving today.

Laura: Understood.

With that, Laura then teleports to earth, as Y/n moves a bishop piece.

Y/n: I've put another piece into play. I wonder... how will Rias react?

Meanwhile, with Laura...

Laura then steps out of the portal and walks to her room, puts on the uniform, and begins to walk down the street.

Laura: He said she vould be showing up today, but the question is vhen?

???: AHHHHHH!!!

Laura then sees a nun with her panties showing. She then notices Issei, who's making a very perverted grin.

Laura: Seriously. You are the vorst boy ever.

Issei: AHH?! When did you get here?!

Laura: A few seconds ago.

???: Oh no. I fell down again. I'm such a klutz.

The girl then gets up and we then see who she is.

The girl then gets up and we then see who she is

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Issei: Who is this girl?

Laura: Vho is she? Is she the one vith Twilight Healing?

Issei: Oh yeah! That's what I'm talking about...! Smoking hot chick!! Smoking hot panty shot.

Laura: Try to act like a gentleman.

Issei: Yeah. Or I could just act like one...

Issei and Laura then walk up to the girl and while Laura picks up her things, Issei reaches his hadn out.

Issei: Hey, are you alright?

Girl: Oh... Yeah, I'm okay, really.

The wind then comes and blows away her veil. Issei only things of one thing.

Issei: Erection.

Laura: Here. I managed to put all of your stuff back in, there vas a bit of trouble vith it though.

Girl: Oh, well, thanks.

Her veil than starts to blow away, but Laura catches it.

Laura: Here you.

The Delusional Devil (Betrayed Male Reader x High School DxD)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora