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"Knock, knock, Lauren. Do you have a sec?"

This was Lauren's third morning in a row this week waking up with barely any sleep. She was exhausted from her late night date with Trent, yet still found the energy to turn around in her chair and ask,

"What's up, Jo?" with a fake smile. It was around 10:30 in the morning, and Joanna had appeared in Lauren's doorway for some reason.

"It's about your choice of business casual today. It's a bit too casual. You should go home and change, okay?" She said in a low tone.

"Really?" Lauren asked sarcastically.

"Yes, try to keep it more profesh."

Today's t-shirt, jeans and sneakers combo wasn't Lauren's shining fashionable moment, but she had woken up late. Plus if a thin, leggy white chick wore it, no one would have anything to say.

It was also too much coming from a woman who was sporting streetwear with Lauren less than twelve weeks ago. Lauren considered that since her promotion, Joanna wanted to be seen in a more serious light but remained unconvinced. Especially since she was the same woman who was not only sprawled across her subordinate's desk last week, but also practically begged to go out with him, and unnecessarily shortened words like profesh.

"If I go home, I'm not coming back." Lauren said steadily.

"Did you just request a half-day? Consider it done — have a nice day." Joanna smiled stiffly, and walked away.

"Fuck you too." Lauren sighed, shutting down her computer. Lauren was in too good a mood for Joanna to slow her down today, now she had her entire afternoon off to chill and get ready for her date with Gabe later. She slid on her bulky coat and stopped by Trent's cube (unsure of how much he had heard) to say goodbye for the day. He had heard it all, and offered to drive her home, which she gladly accepted.

During their descent, Trent held Lauren's hand, interlacing his fingers in hers. She gravitated towards him and rested her head on his shoulder. He kissed her forehead gently, then her lips, and neither of them came up for air as they sank, until they were fully underground.

"Where are you going?" Lauren asked Trent as he unfastened his seatbelt in front of her house. He could not come up right now, especially to her room where she had an outfit fully laid out for her date with another man.

"Like I said L, just give me 20 minutes." He pleaded, kissing her.

"Fine, but my room's a mess. So living room restrictions again, don't be shy." She said as he followed behind her.

Lauren knew Toni was at school, or out, because she typically ended up studying or hanging with one of her team Toni members at least until the afternoon.

"How bad could your room really be?" Trent groaned just as they reached her apartment's door.

"Bad, awful, quite terrible." Lauren tried to say in a British accent to be funny. "Is it really the end of the world if we don't fuck?" She asked him in her normal voice.

"Nah, but that doesn't mean I don't want to." He smirked, as he made his way toward the couch.

Lauren scowled at him as she walked briskly to her room to toss her date outfit into her closet just in case today's session heated to heights where her brain stopped working. She made a mental note to steam it later as she whipped off her bra and changed into leggings, tucking an emergency condom into the waistband.

When Lauren returned to the living room, Trent had thrown his plaid navy dress shirt over the back of the couch. He sat reclined in a plain white crew neck t-shirt and black Levi jeans, looking like a model on the cover of Vogue.

Lauren sat next to him knowing they had unfinished business. Trent tilted her head up and started to kiss her softly, then suddenly more pressingly. He pulled off her t-shirt and his warm hands ran across her breasts, her nipples became eager and hard at his touch. She drew his shirt over his head and started kissing his cool, olive skin just like she had planned to last night.

Trent eased her onto her back, slowly sliding her leggings and panties off, when suddenly the stashed condom came flying out. He arched an eyebrow and they both laughed.

His kisses began a new trail from Lauren's neck, to hips, and further still. He moved lower and lower until she could feel the warmth of his mouth somewhere it had never been before. She sighed in pleasure while he kissed her other lips, devouring the sweet honey-like wetness she'd made.

Trent brought his head up and looked at Lauren through eyes brimming with lust. He stripped off his pants and put his own condom over the thick, swollen head. He ran his hands up and down his shaft twice, pleasing himself with his own touch before sliding into her, moaning in satisfaction. He held Lauren's legs up as he thrust in and pulled out, over and over again, causing her every nerve to stand on end in the best way, a sensation she wanted to last forever, but it wasn't long before he came, doubled over her.

He hadn't been lying when he'd said he only needed twenty minutes. He didn't even come close to that projection. He didn't even make it to half time.

There was no time for cuddling. He got dressed quickly and Lauren threw on her t-shirt to send him off. She felt guilty that he'd taken an early lunch and then spent it with her rather than actually eating, but then again, she didn't feel bad about it at all.

"Can we chill later? I want to see you tonight." He asked as he stood in her foyer.

"No, uh, I have this dinner thing with Toni." Lauren lied.

She hated lying to him, but it seemed like the only thing that made sense to do at the time. It oddly came naturally; and she couldn't stop herself from doing it. He kissed her once more and then turned toward the door to go back to work.

"Enjoy your date." He winked over his shoulder, and disappeared down the hallway.

- what did Missy say about one minute men again?


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