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Lauren opened her closet door to find something cute enough to surprise someone who saw her everyday, yet casual enough for Chinese. The dress hanging off of it, prepped for her date with Gabe tomorrow night, clattered loudly against it as if possessed by her conscience.

She settled on a pair of boot cut jeans and fitted, black long sleeve crew neck sweater. She applied simple makeup, but heavy rose gold accessories and was ready by 8:30 because she suspected Trent's white ass would be early - and she was right. At 8:35 Trent sent Lauren a text that he was outside, and she slipped on a pair of black leather booties, wrapped in a thick black wool jacket and headed out to meet him.

Lauren saw Trent's Honda sitting at the curb with the engine running. She walked briskly through the cold and exhaust fumes and sat in the car.

"You look nice." Trent said as he eyed her up and down as he leaned over for a kiss.

"So do you." She answered, just before she planted one on his lips. It wasn't an autonomous reply, Lauren honestly meant that. He wore a fitted white waffle shirt under his everyday bomber jacket with black cargo pants and a pair of army green Nikes. By the time her eyes had traveled back up to his face, his lips were set in a grin.

Lauren settled quietly into her seat as he sped away into the night, and when she began picking at her nails, she knew she was nervous. She didn't know why, she just was. All she knew was that things between them had changed now and she could only hope it was for the best.

"What are you worrying about?" Trent asked, finally breaking the silence as they slowly rolled to a red light. He reached over and turned Lauren's face towards his.

"Nothing. How was work?" She shrugged and turned her head back towards the window.

"We aren't here to talk about work, L. We do that daily. I know you wanna talk about us - but it's early days. Let's just take it day by day." He replied, focusing back on the road as the light changed.

"It's all good. We are good. Keeping it chill."

"Is that your new mantra?"

"What? Like you and 'taking it day by day'?" Lauren impersonated him to break the ice and he laughed. "I just want us both to be on the same page in the event that you want to see another girl - or if I want to see another guy." She mumbled that last part.

"Yeah, L. We are just having fun and seeing where this goes. You are special to me and I have feelings for you..." Trent's voice trailed off as he eyed a parking spot. "I guess... I guess I just don't want us to fuck a good thing up." He said seriously once he had perfectly paralleled. "I like you and you like me but sometimes that isn't enough. I'd rather keep you as a friend, enjoy this moment and fuck around from time to time, than get into this relationship that neither of us is prepared for." He exhaled and then said, "Let's head inside." before Lauren could even reply.

A small koi pond bubbled in the front window under a neon open sign, while red and gold lanterns hung from the ceiling of the rundown restaurant that made the best spicy shrimp a girl could ask for. It was a dead Wednesday night, Trent and Lauren were directed to an open table quickly, and made their way through the maze of empty seats. She shrugged off her coat, quickly scanned the menu and smacked it back down on the table before Trent could even get his jacket off. She needed answers.

"What makes you say that?"


"The whole 'sometimes it isn't enough' thing."

"Take my parents, for instance. They liked each other, were great friends, committed, got married, had kids and then realized they wasted their lives with the wrong person. They've been miserable for years."

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