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When Lauren woke up tangled in her bed sheets, she immediately reminisced about the night. Before she had even opened her eyes, the first thoughts that swirled in her head were about Gabe. His touch, his feel, his scent. Everything he did and everything he was left her heart feeling so full. Filled to the brim with emotion, she turned to greet him with a morning kiss only to find that he wasn't there.

Lauren could hear Amani and Toni shuffling in the living room and her heart immediately began to race. Either she was fucked and abandoned in the middle of the night or Gabe had recently slipped out to the bathroom and they would soon be caught. She hated feeling like she was creeping around with an ex or somebody's man, but the tension she felt with Toni yesterday led Lauren to understand that Gabe was not welcome. The last thing she wanted after a really good night and an even better sleep was an unwarranted argument.

Obviously, one scenario would be worse than the other. Lauren cringed as she imagined Gabe creeping out in the darkness, practically skipping out of her apartment. He had gotten pussy twice and didn't even have to spend the night. Soon he wouldn't answer texts and she'd fallen for a dude who just wanted to fuck around.


I'm so fucking dumb.

She clawed her way out of bed and rummaged through the clothes cluttered on the floor for her phone. While she looked, Lauren found Gabe's t-shirt. He must have left in a hurry to have slid his sweater over his head without noticing he didn't have his undershirt on, right? Or did he leave it purposefully? Were they becoming so close that he didn't care? She wondered all this as she held it in her hands for a minute, breathing in notes of orange and sandalwood; his trademark scent. Lauren threw it in the laundry hamper and was reminded she had an entire outfit of his to return.

She continued to search pant pockets, and tore through her purse. She scanned the room, sweeping table tops and looking under her vanity. Her heart beating so hard it felt like it could bend in her chest; Lauren started to feel it pounding in her head.

She eventually found it under her bed and exhaled when she saw a lengthy text from Gabe on her screen received an hour ago. Lauren opened it, curling up with the comforter on her bed to read it.

5:07 AM


Lauren. Lauren. Lauren. You may not believe in love at first sight, but I think I might with you. Or maybe I just believe in fate now. All because you got me feeling some type of way...ngl. I have to believe there was a reason you walked into my store - looking beyond gorgeous - on two of the only days I was there too. There has to be a reason I wanted to talk to you. There has to be a reason you gave me your number.

There has to be.

Just know that simply sitting next to you as you sleep makes me feel things I don't think I've felt before. I'm sorry I couldn't say this to you, personally. You'll learn I have a hard time finding the right words when they count. Please just tell me when you're off lock down so I can see you. ❤️😂

'Just know that simply sitting next to you as you sleep makes me feel things I don't think I've felt before.' Lauren read that line over and over again.

He had been in a ten year relationship.

She was shook that he even wrote that in reference to little ol' she. Either he was a really good sweet talker or he was sprung. Lauren floated out of bed choosing to believe the latter.

She texted him back a simple, 'I don't know what to say 🥹', quickly followed by 'but I feel the same 🤎'. She knew that didn't cut it but didn't really know how to respond to someone reciprocating feelings this early, being so attracted to each other, or having a lot of no strings attached sex but both wanting the strings. All wild concepts for her to wrap her head around before 7 AM.

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