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Lauren hated lying. She really did. Lies are what always got her into situations like this - well, not like this.

This was bad. Very, very bad.

What's worse, is the only way Lauren thought she could escape was by lying some more.

Logically and in hindsight, this was her way out — her chance to take the highroad and gracefully let Trent know he was not for her. She should have said good-bye to Gabe, invited Trent in and sat him down, allowing her to be the bigger person while gently breaking his little heart.

How valiant and honest of her!

Lauren's get-out-of-jail-free card was right in front of her. Gracefully placed into the palms of her hands... and she let it slip.

Instead, Lauren stood in the foyer gripping the handle of her apartment's front door, while Trent and Gabe stood outside on the porch. Her heart raced while a cold February breeze blew in, chilling her and making the hairs on the back of her neck stand up, and yet, her hands were moist with sweat.

They were having a silent staring match. Gabe looked from Trent to Lauren. She stared at Gabe then locked onto Trent, whose gaze was completely fixed on her. His eyes were intense, tinted a deep olive right now. He was clenching a brown paper bag which she assumed soup or some other sort of 'get well treat' was hidden inside of.

Trent did not shuffle. He did not flinch. Instead of asking Lauren again, he turned to Gabe and said, "Who the fuck are you?"

Lauren. Was. Mortified.

She understood Trent was upset, but catching an attitude with a stranger was fucking unacceptable. What if Gabe was a relative? Her brother, or cousin? Or a person she knew in a professional capacity? The arrogance that was once a turn on, had left her feeling slimy with the ick.

Gabe, immediately sensing her mood, went into rescue mode and said, "Relax. My name's Gabe. I'm seeing Lauren's roommate."

"What's up with the roses?" Trent said in a monotone. His lips angled in a taunting smirk as he turned toward Gabe, looking down at him, while broadening his shoulders. Trent was slightly taller than Gabe, about an inch or so, and wanted to let them both know it. Lauren was overwhelmed by him and quickly saw red. She was tired of this intimidation game, the cocky shit, the attitude, and quite honestly, Trent entirely.

Fuck Trent. Fuck his feelings.

Lauren was suddenly totally over him.

"Lauren was kind enough to help me with a surprise -" Gabe started, but she cut him off.

"Gabe, it's okay." Both of their heads snapped towards her. Lauren couldn't let Gabe lie for her. That felt worse. "Trent, that was a lie. Gabe and I started seeing each other... last night." She said smugly. Take that.

For a split second, Lauren saw it. She saw Trent's heart break. Or maybe it had just cracked, like he did hers. His face fell and a twitch of pain flickered across it. Then, she saw his eyes darken and rage spread from them. His body was tense down to his clenched fists.

"So that's where you've been, eh? Playin' hooky? Avoiding me? Just to fuck around?" Trent shouted.

Lauren flinched at his assumption. She knew he was hurt, but this performance was too much. She didn't need him to be loud to be heard, his implications (though true) filled her to the brim with guilt.

Realizing she was not gonna get off easy, she changed her tune and quietly said, "Trent, please just come in and calm down. Let's talk."

"Talk about what? For what- why? It's clear that you are just desperate for attention at this point." He shrugged his shoulders.

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