If i should die tomorrow

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Draco' pov
I had a day off, it was Saturday, so I decided to spend it with my girlfriend. She was so happy to see me and I was happier to see her. I kissed her cheek and we went on my broomstick flying, it was awesome, we eat a muggle ice cream that I should admit, was really good. We talked about our past and the fact that i never wanted to be a deatheater, i just wanted to save my family, i told her about my life, everything, she already knew that but it was different, i was talking like there was no tomorrow. She was just there staring at me and listening everything i was saying. I love her so much.
"What's your dream, Angel?"
She took a big breath and for the first time i saw how dreamy her eyes were while she said :
" My dream is to have a nice house, become a wizard singer, i would like a nice wedding, and waking up next to you knowing that is Christmas and we are married and our kids are jumping on the bed because they want us to wake up for open the presents knowing that we are in peace because the dark lord is gone, knowing that one day i will really be happy but if i should die tomorrow, i can't thank god enough for the life i had, yes, i've been heartbroken but then i met you, i couldn't ask a sister better than Ocean and that she found someone like Seamus"
She sighed and I felt pity, she wouldn't be there if this wasn't for me. She looked straight into my eyes, her green eyes were sparkling with hope. I smiled and hugged her.
"How can you be so positive in a moment like this?" I asked her. She chuckle and said:
"Once a person told me that negativity doesn't change anything, it only causes you more stress, and another person said that you should smile while you still have teeth so"
Her lips opened in the most big, genuine smile I've ever saw.
"You're so beautiful"
She glared at the sky and smiled once more.
"You know Draco, if I should die tomorrow, I don't have regrets, except one but it's crazy"
"What is it?"
She smirked and took my hands, her fingers locked with mine, then we started to run in a circle gaining speed. She screamed from joy, I did too.
"I don't remember the last time I felt so free" she said, I knew she wasn't lying by the way she was looking at me. We both felt on the ground, me on the top of her, we started to laugh really hard and I got up helping her. She thanked me and I kissed her, she kissed me back. I love her too damn much.
"If I should die tomorrow I don't regret anything, I would make the same choices" she said pecking my lips. My hand in hers, like old times.
I smiled, maybe my father is not so proud of me but who cares? He choose everything for me, without asking. I won't leave the best thing ever happened to me, this time I made a choice, and if I should die tomorrow, at least I will die happy because I choose what makes me feel good, this time I choose to be with Angel. I choose her over everything, forever.

My love for you (a Draco Malfoy, Cedric Diggory, Seamus Finnegan love story)Where stories live. Discover now