Break the rules

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Angel's pov

I was tired of Umbridge. So i called Fred and George and we decided to do a prank, well, it was more a plan than a prank. That day Umbridge was attacking another rule at the wall. We are going to break that wall.

Dumbledore was going to come back. "Are you ready?" Fred asked me.

"I bornt ready"

They smirked and we yelled:

"Let's do this!"

We jumped on our broomsticks and started to fly. Everyone out from the Great Hall and went to see what was happening. We threw fireworks and the wall of the rules broke. Everyone cheered. More fireworks.

"Detention! To everyone! Are you listening me?!" Umbridge yelled but nobody cared.

Ocean and Seamus kissed each others and i smiled when i saw my boyfriend laughing and opening his arms for hugging me.
Ocean's pov

We were in the forbidden forest with Umbridge, god, that woman is such a pain the ass! She's always mad with Harry and everyone.

Centaurus were taking her away and she screamt:

"Harry Potter, say it to them that i didn't do anything to them!"

Harry replied:

"I'm sorry professor, but i don't have to tell lies"

Wooow!!! Great Harry!! I high fived him and smiled. He smiled back.

Umbridge could finally come back to her billion cats and i could finally kiss my boyfriend in pubblic.

My love for you (a Draco Malfoy, Cedric Diggory, Seamus Finnegan love story)Where stories live. Discover now