College Visit

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|Logan's POV|

It's finally the weekend that I'm going to go visit Teo. I was ready for 48 hours of college life with my cousin. Teo said he has some fun things planned, nothing too crazy. The kicker, my parents changed their mind and I was going to Alabama alone.


I pulled my car into the garage to see both of my parents were home. Walking in the kitchen, mom was cooking and dad was on his computer. Oftentimes I would find them keeping each other company like this.

"Hey mom. Hey dad."

"Hey, sweetie. How was school?"

I shrugged.

"It was alright. Nothing major. Just have some tests coming up. You'd think they'd slow down on the work since I'm a Senior."

They both laughed.

"Never happens that way. Take a seat. We want to talk to you about your trip to Alabama."

I sat down and mom continued what she was doing.

"I uh, already talked to the counselor and since this is a college tour, I've been excused from school tomorrow," I stated.

Dad nodded.

"We know. I'm not going to Alabama with you.

"So, I can't go?"

"You can still go. Your plans aren't changing," mom stated.

I was surprised she said that.

"Really?" I asked, excitedly.

"Yes. Your father and I talked and we are allowing you to go on this trip of yours solo. Please be mindful of your surroundings, call us when you get there, keep your location on and..."


She looked over at dad and took a deep breath.

"I know it's been harder for me to give you the space to grow into the young man you are and expect you not to be a baby at the same time. I can be overbearing and I hated when my parents did that to me. It's scary being a parent and as much as I want to keep you here, I can't. Just be careful."

"I will."

She gave me a half smile.

"So this isn't a joke. You're really letting me go alone?" I quizzed.

"Yes," they said simultaneously.


"Logan, you've shown a lot of maturity in this past year. Plus, you're not going to have a chaperone when you go to college. Might as well get on board with our new normal."

I got up pulling her into mug, causing her to laugh.

"Love you, mom."

"Love you, too."

"Damn, what about me?" dad complained.

I laughed as mom rolled her eyes and pushed me towards my father. We did our handshake.

"Love you too, dad."

My sisters came barreling in the kitchen. My parents didn't even need to look at them to know they wanted something.

"What can we do for you girls?" Dad quizzed.

"Can we have a sleepover here this weekend with Ava, Bianca, and Addison," Mikayla quizzed.

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