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|Logan's POV|

I've been sitting in my bedroom for quite some time. Samantha texted me when she got to her aunt's house. I was just waiting for my parents to talk to me. I have no idea what my punishment is going to be. Today did not turn out how I planned it at all.


I heard my father yell my name. Well, time to face my doom. I slowly went down the stairs. I've done a lot of shit that have pissed off or disappointed my parents, but this? I don't think I could talk my way out of this if I tried.

I entered the living room. My mom was sitting on the couch. My dad...

"Have a seat."

I jumped when I heard his voice. I hadn't even heard his footsteps. He was right behind me. Damn he gets me with that every time.

Sitting down, he took a seat next to my mom.

"We briefly spoke to Sam's parents. They informed us that they're going to be going on vacation and will be gone for the next few weeks. When they return you two will not be hanging out together, alone. We don't trust you two at the moment and as you continue your relationship, it's going to take time for you to regain that trust," my dad stated.

"We know that keeping you apart would be pointless. It just makes you sneakier. That's not our intention with you two having supervision. It's really more of a safety precaution at this point especially after what occurred today. This is a bad habit you both have of sneaking behind our backs. Having met Samantha's parents, they like you Logan. Your father and I like Samantha as well..."

"Mom, you don't like Samantha."

"That's not true. If I didn't like her you would know. Is it still an adjustment for me with you having a girlfriend, absolutely. You're my baby boy, but I've been nothing but pleasant to her. She's a very polite and well mannered young lady. She hasn't given me a reason not to like her. She wouldn't be welcome in this house if I didn't like her," she stated.

I rolled my eyes.

"Not your call," I mumbled.

"What did you just say?" she quizzed.

"I said it's not your call. You can't pick and choose who I date or who my company is."

She raised her brow.

"Sometimes, I really think you live in a fantasy world. Remember who you're talking to. I am your..."

"Yeah, yeah, you're my mother and I'm supposed to show you respect. Okay, mom."

I felt a harsh slap to the back of my neck as I was hoisted out of my seat.


"Logan, I am telling you now, I will kick your ass if you continue to sit here and disrespect your mother. Don't you ever let me hear you take that tone with her again. You understand me?"

My dad squeezed the back of my neck. Damn, his grip was tight.



He squeezed even tighter.

"Ah! Yes I understand."

He let me go, placing me back in the chair. My  mother fixed her gaze on me.

"This has to stop, Logan. This cycle in the past year alone has been ridiculous. You do things like this then get defensive. When we discipline you, we're wrong. It doesn't make any sense. You continuously keep disrespecting us. We are as open as we can be with you and it's like a slap in the face every time you disregard the simple rules we laid out."

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