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|Murphy's POV|

Hudson Alexander Smith

Our baby boy has finally arrived. He came right around the time that Izzy released her statement. Ethan and I couldn't be happier. It was scary having him in the NICU for over a month. Ethan and I visited every day. I was in the hospital for almost a week after recovering. It was quite the journey. Now we're both home and getting into a routine. Well, searching for our new normal.

I'm on maternity leave and Ethan made it clear to everyone I wouldn't be returning to work until the new year. He tried to take as much off my plate as he could. He wants me to relax and work on not only my recovery, but just enjoy being a first time mom.

Even though I was home, I still had a business to run. I told him I'd be available by email, but that would be the extent of it. I've just been working on securing sponsorships for the next annual year for my clients. He didn't even want me doing that, but I can't just turn my brain off.

So much has been happening in our family from Izzy dealing with that asshole Michael. I can't believe a man would have the gaul to touch a woman. Regardless of her relationship status, there's just things you don't do. I know that she's been going through a lot and I wish I could physically be by her side. All my siblings call daily to check on me, although I know they want to see Hudson.

Ethan has been so helpful as have both of our parents. His parents came for about a week or so after I had Hudson. I have had no issues with Ms. Anna and to be honest, a lot of that has to do with Mr. Edward. She hasn't made any smart remarks, but I can tell when she wants to. I brace myself for it, but she says nothing. I'm not sure what my father-in-law said to her, but I'm thankful someone stepped in to check her behavior.

My mom and dad have been bouncing back and forth in between work. I honestly don't know how they do it. Vaughn said she'd be coming this weekend. She and Asher pop in frequently, I mean Ethan and I are their agents after all. Rory being the closest, I see her rather often. Bash's mom made us food and I don't even remember the last time I cooked. Between his mom and Ethan's mom, our fridge is stocked.

I was home, alone, going through some emails. Ethan was taking his morning nap. I heard the doorbell ring. Looking at the camera, I saw we had company. I smiled seeing who it was. Getting up to open the door, I was greeted by my sisters, Murphy and Rory.

"Hey guys!" I said.

I saw both of them holding bags. I really didn't need anything else.

"Hey, mama bear," Rory replied, giving me a hug.

"Move out the way, I want to hug her, too," Vaughn whined.

I laughed. The baby of the family, always doing the most.

"Oh shut up," Rory chided.

Vaughn put up her fist to fight her.

"Girl, bye. You're not the only one dad taught how to fight," Rory said, waving her off.

"What brings you two by?" I asked, sitting in the living room.

"Well, we came to see Hudson and Vaughn said she had some news for us."

I looked over at my youngest sister.

"Yeah, what is this news that you just had to tell us in person."

I saw the nervous look on her face. This must be serious.

"Wait, are you pregnant?" I questioned.

She quickly shook her head.

"What? No. Hell no. Not to say Asher and I don't want kids, but no not right now. I just got the title. He's just getting his grounding in WWE. I mean, he's suspended right now. Still, that's not what I wanted to tell you guys."

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