Jumping Ship

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|Asher's POV|

While Vaughn headed to NXT, I flew out for work. I had just landed and got to my hotel room when I got a call from Crews. Crews was one of our mutual friends and had wrestled with us in Japan. While he couldn't wrestle anymore due to injury, he had become a trainer and recently got a spot being a NXT trainee. He, like everyone else, was hoping I jumped ship when my contract was up.


Hey Ash. Hope I'm not catching you at a bad time.

Not all. What's up Crews?

I just saw something that I know you're not going to be happy about.

What are you talking about?

It's about Vaughn.

As soon as he said her name, I was ready to get back on a flight to Florida.

What about her?

I just saw her attacked by Greyson.

What?! Is she okay?

She's with Shawn, that's all I know. I'm sure she's going to call and tell you. I just wanted to give you the heads up.

I was livid.

He put his hands on her, Crews?

They were having a pretty intense conversation. I'm not sure about what. She went to walk away and that was his reaction. He pulled her back and her head and back hit the nearby wall.

Thanks for the info, man. I appreciate it.

Anytime. You've done the same for me before. Catch up with you later man. Let me know when you're back in Orlando.

Will do.

I ended the call. Greyson was a bold son of a bitch. I tried calling Vaughn, no answer. Same with Mr. Shawn, nothing. I decided to call pops. He answered after a few rings.


Pops, have you talked to Vaughn? I got word that something happened at the performance center.

He sighed.

She's fine. She's heading back to Shawn's now. How much do you know?

I know what I need to do. That son of a bitch crossed a line putting his hands on her. He had no business touching her!

Calm down, son. You worry about what you need to get done.

If somebody put their hands on Ms. Steph while you were away for work, would you not work yourself up?

Point taken, but you have a job to do.

I don't give a damn about this job.

She's safe, Asher. She'll be staying with Shawn and Rebecca until you get back. You have my word.

What are you doing about Greyson?

I'll handle it. You just focus on what you need to do. Leave the situation alone.

You and I both know that's not happening.

I heard a beep on my phone. It was Vaughn.

I got to go, pops.

Alright. We'll talk later.

Vaughn was trying to call me. Nope, this was definitely a FaceTime call. She answered and I could see she was laying down in a bed.

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