Triple Threat

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|Logan's POV|

We decided to go back to my house and hang out after the fight at the party. I turned the lock and saw the lights were on which meant my parents were still up.

"Come on, we can hang outside," I said to Sasha and Teo."

"Cool. Let me just text my dad to pick me up from here later," Sasha said.

Heading to the kitchen, I saw my parents were in the living room. They seemed to be into their movie. The lights were off. Just when I thought we were in the clear and could dodge questions, I heard my dad say my name. I popped my head in the living room.

"Yeah, dad?"

He paused the TV and my mom turned the lights on. They both looked surprised to see not only Teo with me, but Sasha as well.

"Home so soon?"

"Mm hmm."

Mom squinted her eyes at us. We figured Teo was coming back with you, but not Sasha."

"Hey Uncle Ty and Aunt Izzy," she quietly said and waved.

Mom motioned for the three of us to come into the living room.

"What are you doing back home so early? I thought you were going to the party. Did something happen?" she quizzed.

"Yeah, you could say that," Teo mumbled, scratching the back of his head.

"Okay, so one of you explain what the hell is going on," she commanded.

"Well, Aunt Izzy, there was a fight at the party. Gavin started running his mouth as soon as Logan walked in and got decked. Then Samantha tried to slap Logan again and I beat her ass. Then Gavin got up and tried to charge at me then Teo and Logan jumped him. I mean, I could've taken him by myself, but shout out to my cousins for having my back."

"As always," Teo added.

I turned and looked at both of them. Really? Sasha looked over at me and rolled her eyes.

"What? What's done is done and they got beat up. We won. I don't see the big deal," she said, flopping on the couch.

"All three of you were in a fight tonight? You have got to be kidding me. Matteo and Sasha, call your parents."

"I already texted my dad," Sasha said.

"I'm not calling my parents," Teo commented, taking a seat next to Sash.

Before my mom could say anything else, Sasha sucked her teeth.

"Great, dad's on his way over. I should've just stayed at the party."

She went back to scrolling on her phone, unbothered by all of this.

"Tyler, you okay with all of this?"

Dad stood up stretching.


The three of us laughed. Mom just shook her head.

"Of course you are."

"The boy had it coming. All that he's been talking and then he tried to put his hands on Sasha? He deserved everything he got."

"Sorry we jumped him, dad," I said.

He waved me off.

"You protected your cousin, shit happens."

He was so cool about this. As long as he wasn't mad at me, fine.

"What about what his Coach says?"

"Then he can talk to either of us directly. Generally I know we don't condone Logan fighting, but the boy was antagonizing him for weeks. I'm sure he's learned his lesson. Logan, if he didn't, kick his ass again."

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