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|Rory's POV|

7 years.
A husband.
4 kids.
Dream home.
Dream career.

These past 7 years have had their challenges. When the twins turned 2, Bash and I got married. He proposed right after their 1st birthday on our anniversary trip. I couldn't have asked for a better partner in him. He was an amazing boyfriend to begin with, but as a husband, it's a new level. Nothing means more to Bash than family. Me and the kids, we're his world.

Speaking of kids, our twins are now 8 years old. Wyatt and Madison are a handful and keep Bash and I on our toes. They're always into something and if you mess with one, you mess with the other. Wyatt is the more gentle than his sister. here's always a more rational twin as they say. Madison on the other hand, my baby girl is quite a riot, and she ropes her brother right in.

Our youngest two, Julian (4) and Sophia (2) are both in daycare. Julian is definitely more like Madison. Wyatt being the oldest twin, he's the big brother to everyone. He looks out for his baby brother and Julian looks up to him. Sophia is so sweet. Talk about a baby that rarely cried and still is that way.

The kids are either in school or daycare. Bash is at the office. My office isn't too far from his. I still have my home studio, but this one is double the space, I am able to bring in Interns, have my meetings, etc. I recently branched off to having employees. Bash suggested it after I tried to do everything by myself. Per usual, I was quickly burning out. I was able to manage it with just the twins, but as our family grew, it became more difficult.

I was going over some new designs for new gear and merch when I got a call from the elementary school.


Hi, may I speak to Mrs. Davis?


Mrs. Davis, this is Principal Bennett from Redding Elementary.

Hello, Principal Bennett, how may I help you?

There's been a situation with Madison and Wyatt today.

As soon as she said that, I stopped what I was doing.

An incident? What happened?

I would prefer to talk about it in person. Both twins are upset about it, well Wyatt more than Madison.

I'm about 20 minutes away, but I'll get there as soon as I can.

That's fine. We'll see you soon. I'll let the twins know you're on your way.

Thank you.

I got up, grabbed my purse and let my team know I may or may not be returning, but to continue with work as usual. The 20 minute drive was shortened as I was anxious to get to school and see what the hell happened. Entering, I saw Wyatt and Madison sitting outside of the principal's office. The secretary quickly led us into Principal Bennett's office.

"Mrs. Davis, good to see you. Please have a seat."

She motioned for me to sit down and motioned for the twins to sit next to me. Wyatt quickly sat down, Madison had an attitude.

"Madison, sweetheart. Can you please take a seat so we can sort this out with your mom?"

I watched as my daughter glared at the principal. I didn't know what was going on, but she needed to check her attitude.


She looked at me and rolled her eyes before taking a seat. I took a deep breath, ignoring her. Principal Bennett gave me a half hearted smile.

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