Drama Follows Me

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|Vaughn's POV|

Even with everything going on with my family, personally I have been in pure bliss. I have the love of my life and my best friend by my side. I was hesitant about us working together, but to my surprise, Asher debuted on Monday Night Raw after Mania. He'd been keeping his debut under wraps. While I know my parents knew, they sure did a great job keeping it from me. Now we get to travel together. It feels like old times all over again.

After a few months of being engaged and being hounded with wedding plans, we decided to elope. So no one knows that we are legally married. I haven't changed my last name officially, but once I do, I will be Vaughn Levesque Evans. Either way, I'm still his wife and he's my husband which is so surreal to say.

Traveling with Asher has been great, especially with our careers being on different paths these past few years. We've wrestled separately, but to be together again, both of us couldn't be happier. It also puts Asher's mind at ease because Greyson is still a thorn in my side.

I thought that his apology was sincere, but far from it. He became an absolute asshole once he found out Asher proposed. With us having mutual friends, I hate to put anyone in the middle of this bullshit. Everyone knows Asher and I have been together for years. For some reason, in Greyson's mind, he thought he had a chance. I don't know what made him think that. I never gave him any inkling that I was not with Asher or that we had any issues in our relationship. Asher was right about him all along. Now that they work together, it's been interesting to say the least.

I was sitting backstage, hanging out in between matches. I had opened the show with a promo for the upcoming pay-per-view. My title will be on the one versus one of my best friends, Quinn. Asher had just finished his match and was off to change. I heard Quinn suck her teeth.

"Here comes trouble," she mumbled.

Looking around, I saw Greyson making his way towards us. Great, just great.

"Hey ladies," he said, taking a seat at the table with us.

Quinn just glared at him. She could not stand Greyson.

"What do you want, Greyson? If you came over here to start shit, you need to leave. We are sitting here minding our business," Quinn stated.

I watched Greyson smirk and I knew he was about to say something idiotic.

"Wow, if your boyfriend isn't speaking for you, then there's this one. You really need a muzzle on her, he said, looking directly at me.

Quinn got up to slap him, but he jumped back.

"See, she really does have a bite."

"Greyson, please go about your business," I quietly stated.

"You think because your last name is Levesque that you run the show back here. I'm an employee, just live you, Vaughn."

"No one said you're not."

"Well people have been acting differently towards me and it's all because of you!" he shouted.

Yeah I was not about to go back and forth with him, have it be a scene, and it gets back to my dad. I'm good. Having Asher wanting to fight my battles was one thing, but my dad, he hasn't been a fan of Greyson since the initial incident.

"Come on Quinn."

I went to walk away, but once again Greyson decided to grab me and pull me back.

"Stop walking away from me when I'm fucking talking to you," he snarled.

We were now face to face. He really needs to learn how to keep his hands to himself.

"Greyson, let my arm go," I said, trying to pull away from him.

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