//32//: Jannah's birthday lunch

Start from the beginning

Also his coffee that I assume he's addicted to.

Nevertheless, after breakfast, we go to work and live our normal lives just as it were before we got married.

I flickered my eyes as I folded my hand on my chest in defense. "I'm just stating the obvious. You would've known that if you looked closely. Now shall we go meet the old man , or we should continue conversing on men's eye color?"


The old man removed his spectacles as he took in our figures one by one with his big brown eyes. Slowly, he closed the newspaper he was reading or permit me to say trying to read.

"Good Afternoon, Baba." Mimi and Kubra squatted down to pay their respects to him. They couldn't even look him straight in the eye.

He frowned slightly as his eyes surveyed them carefully. "Kubra, right?" She nodded. He averted his gaze back to Mimi as though waiting for her to introduce herself.

"I'm Mi—em. I'm Mimi, sir." She stuttered. It was so obvious she couldn't handle the man's mere presence. He gave the both of them a nod before shifting his gaze back to the mighty Dragon.

Instead of squatting to greet, I grinned mischievously and took the chair opposite him. He deepened his frown. Just then, I had no doubt that he had recognised me. Because who dares to sit when he's also sitting down except me? "You are the daring dull witted girl! Sabrina!" He darted his eyes at me.

I placed my palm on my chest. "The old man recognised me. I really missed your grumpy nature too old man!"

"Your mouth is still as sharp as it was-"

"-sharper than it was."

"The girl that influenced my Firdaus to break my rules and jump over fences."

"The man that took my Jannah away to an unknown country for years in the process depriving her of her freedom and happiness." I shot back. He stared at me for a while with a sad expression then looked away.

The Mr Al-Qasim I knew years back would've called security to throw me out immediately but seeing as he isn't doing that, I guess he truly has changed.

"Sabrina—" Jannah began as she noticed the regretful expression her father held. Was that going to be enough to make me keep quiet? Quite the opposite.

I shook my head then fixated my eyes on him. "Do you even know how she felt for all these years? You took her away from her friends, away from basketball, away from me. And I doubt if you have apologized to her. Who am I kidding, I know you haven't." I threw my hands in the air with a slight shrug.

"If you think you can do as you please with her just because she's your daughter then I beg your pardon but you're wrong."

I heard stiffened sobs behind me. I cocked my head backwards just to be met with a crying Kubra. My ever so emotional best friend. Jannah on the other hand, stood quietly like a soldier waiting for an order. She kept her head low but I surely didn't miss the tear that slipped down her cheek.

"You might label me as the girl that influenced your daughter—forgive me—but I guess you were too focused on the girl you were trying to mould that you didn't see the real Jannah—-"

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