18. It'll Be Over Soon

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After finally getting Luna to talk and eat something last night, she quickly fell asleep and I went to say goodnight to the boys before getting back in bed with Vision. I felt bad leaving Luna alone, but I think it'll be fine as long as I get back to her before she wakes up tomorrow.

I so badly wish I could see into her head. Just so I can get the gist of her thoughts, then it might give me somewhat of a starting point to helping her.

The pit of concern in my stomach is growing with every minute Luna stays in her bedroom. There's this nagging feeling I have at the back of my head, telling me something's going to go horribly wrong. I'm not sure whether to believe it or not. I don't want to think that anything bad will happen, but I know that you can't just pretend something isn't going to happen and it won't. Because it will. I'm just not sure what that something is.


"Morning, sweetheart," my husband says groggily after waking up. I've been up for around twenty minutes now, mainly because I felt something when I turned over earlier. I looked down and saw Luna curled up into my side. I figured she must've clambered her way into our bed in the middle of the night. And she probably had to fly since she doesn't have the strength to stand, let alone walk.

A few minutes later of me and Viz talking about plans for the weekend, Luna starts to stir awake, making the both of us silence and watch as she opens her eyes.

"Morning, baby," I say softly, stroking her cheek as her eyes adjust to the light. "Did you have a bad dream or something last night?" I question, still curious as to why she came into our room.

"No. Wanted you," she replies sleepily, throwing an arm over my stomach and crawling closer to me. "I don't feel well, mama."

"Do you feel sick?"



I know exactly what it is that's happening.

My body is starting to reject me.

In my mind, I've already begun to die. I'm just waiting for my body to catch up and it finally is.

The half a pack of Ibuprofen I took last night is likely a contributing factor, but no one has to know about that. It doesn't matter anyway, it failed. I can't even overdose correctly.

Upon telling my mom I feel sick, she's carried me into the bathroom and leant me over the toilet bowl, holding me steady from behind and rubbing my back in slow circles.

Apparently, that's all it takes for me to start spilling my guts. Not that there's much to throw up anyway, it's mainly bile.

The more I'm sick, the more the burning in my throat becomes too much and before I know it, hot tears are streaming down my face. Not from emotion, I still can't feel a thing, but from the action of my body expelling whatever's left in my digestive system.

"Luna..." mama's voice speaks hesitantly. "What's that?" she asks, her breath shaky.

That's when I look down to see a few of the pills in my vomit. They must not have dissolved yet, therefore there's a few whole ones that have come up.

"Nothing," I quickly lie before getting interrupted by another retch.

"Lu. Please don't tell me it's what I think it is. You didn't... did you?"

She's seen at least seven pills. I can't lie and say I took a few because of a headache or whatnot, she'll figure it out in an instant. That's if she hasn't already.

"I did. I'm sorry," I tell her, there's no use in lying. She's mama, mama always knows.

I hear her breath get caught in her throat at the revelation. But I can also see the relief on her face, probably because I'm still here and it didn't work.

"Lulu, why didn't you tell me it was that bad? You were completely stoic, I can't read your mind!"

Her reaction is very much the opposite of what I was expecting. She isn't yelling, but there's definitely a raise in volume of her voice. But I know deep down that it isn't out of anger, she's just scared and who can blame her? Her child tried to take her own life last night.

"I'm sorry, mama. I'll be out of your hair soon." I whisper the last part, she's too busy thinking to even take note of what I said.

It'll all be over soon.

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