Zenitsu whipped around and pointed towards Tanjiro as he exclaimed, "See! I knew you were an overprotective older brother!" The group chuckled at Zenitsu's comment and patiently waited for Tamayo to finish the cure. Yushiro was disgusted by the events unfolding near him. He was partially jealous as he wished he could have such a relationship with Tamayo, the woman he loved, because she saved him years ago.

Some time passed by the time Tamayo was done, she turned towards Nezuko and asked the girl to come close so she could apply the medicine. Tamayo had poured the new cure she created into a glass bottle for Nezuko to drink. Tamayo warned the girl to drink it carefully but Nezuko's excitement overwhelmed her as she downed the drink as fast as she could. Tanjiro, Inosuke, Zenitsu, and Kanao stood around the girl, their bodies tense as they waited for the results to show.

Nezuko's pale skin started to regain its original color as her sharp nails shortened and her fangs retreated. The entire room felt warmer for Nezuko now that she was regaining her body's natural body heat as he commented, "I feel really warm, I think it's working!" Tanjiro teared up at the sight of his younger sister returning to normal. She looked exactly how she used to years ago as he rushed over and embraced her. Zenitsu hugged Nezuko as everyone celebrated the success of Tamayo's cure. Tamayo let out a sigh of relief as her hours of intense labor finally paid off and she can now focus on reproducing more of it.

Anakin's dark deeds by John Williams

However, their celebration was short-lived as Tanjiro detected a hideous odor approaching the building, compelling him to back away from Nezuko so he could protect her. Nezuko looked to her brother in surprise as he drew his blade and pointed it towards the entrance of the building. Inosuke's heightened senses alerted him to an incoming threat as well and Zenitsu's enhanced hearing was able to pick up the sound of heavy and rapid footsteps approaching the door. Tamayo got up and asked the boys, "What's wrong?" The boys had their blades drawn at this point and assumed a fighting stance as Tanjiro explained:

"Something dangerous is coming towards us…!" Tanjiro began to sweat profusely, understanding right away the possible threat he was about to deal with. The distinct smell of Immoran metal is etched into Tanjiro's mind and he could recognize it immediately. If this threat was anything like the Super Doom Hunter, none of them stood a chance. They heard the heavy footsteps stop at the door and there was a brief moment of silence before the walls to the building were obliterated in a single strike. The light of the outside world leaked into the room, causing Tamayo and Yushiro to retreat into the shadows and observe from the sidelines as everyone focused on the entity that stepped into the room, bathed in the light of the sun. None of them had ever seen a creature quite like this before as they were all taken aback by its large stature.

The Cultist Marauder ignited the argent blades of his axe as he dragged it across the floor, cutting through it like a hot knife through butter as he threatened, "Surrender the Blue Spider Lily and I may let you live."

Inosuke barked as loud as he could towards the Marauder, "LET'S GO, BOZO!" before charging towards him. Tanjiro reached out to the boy, shouting for Inosuke to stay back but it was too late as the boy was grabbed by the throat by the Marauder and quickly tossed aside like a piece of trash.

Zenitsu was wide-eyed with shock as he observed the fear in Nezuko's eyes and declared for everyone to hear, "I'll protect you, Nezuko!" before zooming towards the Marauder at blinding speeds. Unfortunately, he was too slow as the demon nonchalantly grabbed Zenitsu's sword, moving it so the demon's wrist was pointed at Zenitsu before two cables shot directly into the boy's chest and injected him with electricity until he passed out. The demon took slow and methodical steps towards the other side of the room where Tanjiro remained still and fought his fear by using the adrenaline flowing through him to grip his sword tightly.

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