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'i fucking hate her. All she had to do was be with Matthew and we could do it together but no, she refused' "excited to start?" "Damn right. I have been wanting this career for years" "a horticulturist right?" Jadee grinned "yep. Starting Tuesday week. I am ecstatic" "it's all working out for you. Career, fiance and of course you can't forget your amazing friends" "no way. I was never leaving any of you behind" "I better be in that" "yeah we come first, not them" "sharing the love but us three have always been tight" "damn right. Now my uncle is her work husband" 'she has everything she wants. The man of her dreams, everyone around her and now she is actually becoming a horticulturist. This is so unfair. I have done everything they said and here I am married to a guy I didn't want, doing a job I don't like and pregnant...' "I FUCKING HATE YOU" grabbing the empty bottle, I slammed it to her head "MONICA" "ITS ALL BECAUSE OF YOU" "will you calm down?" seeing jadee bleeding, I looked at her with hatred "I HOPE YOU FUCKING DIE. YOUR MOTHER WAS RIGHT.." "GET OUT OF MY ESTABLISHMENT IMMEDIATELY. YOU ARE BANNED FOR LIFE. SECURITY" "jadee, I'm sorry about her behaviour" "it's fine Patrick. It's not you that should apologize" "your name will be tarnished you immature little girl" I looked at a man I have never met before getting dragged out of the hotel. "HOW COULD YOU DO THAT?. YOU HAVE NOT ONLY LIED ABOUT YOUR PAST, YOU HAVE DOWNGRADED OTHERS AND NOW LASHED OUT. SHE HAS NOT DONE ANYTHING TO YOU. YOU SHOULD GO HOME" "Patrick it's all her fault.." "HER FAULT? ARE YOU DELUSIONAL?. WHAT DID SHE DO TO YOU. NOT ONLY HAVE YOU BEEN MAKING COMMENTS ALL NIGHT, YOU LASHED OUT FOR NO REASON. I THINK I MADE A MISTAKE" I put my head down as Patrick walked back into the hotel.


"Let's see if you need stitches" "shit jadee" walking behind the bar with jadee, she moved to sit on the stool and Paolo checked her head "non avresti dovuto soffrire" (you shouldn't have suffered) I looked at Paolo wide eyed 'what the hell' "grazie per il tuo aiuto paolo" (Thanks for your help Paolo) paolo grinned "da quanto tempo parli italiano?" (how long have you spoken italian?) "sette anni" (seven years) "you are fluent" "one of my favourite subjects" "okay I have no idea what she said but that was hot" jadee and Paolo laughed "è fico" (he's hot) Paolo smirked "Im not interested but I'm glad you think so" "talking about me?" "I said you are shit" "lies" Paolo and jadee laughed as he cleaned up her head "I said you are hot" I grinned "she can say what she likes in Italian. I dont care" "oi are you speaking to him in Italian?" "You speak it too?" "One of our favourite classes" I grinned "I think I need to learn this" Ari laughed "we used to always talk in Italian so those we didn't want around, couldn't understand what we were saying" all of us laughed. "You are good to go jadee" "thanks Paolo. I appreciate the help" "it's fine" walking out from behind the bar, I grinned as mom gave her a hug "you okay?" "Yeah I am. Stupid bitch" "there was no need for that" "I agree. Let's just enjoy this night" I internally grinned. 'this woman of mine'. Moving back to the bar with her, I put my arm around her "still holding my woman down. Damn" I grinned "look I will share" when Lana put her arm around jadee both of us laughed.


'lets see who is here and who isn't' entering the hotel, I looked at everyone. 'theres so many. Who the hell are all these people?' "Peter" "good to see you out of work Maxwell" "this wasn't expected" "DO IT" looking around my eyes went wide as all the girls including an older woman was on the bar on their knees leaning back wards "what.." seeing the men all pour shots in their mouths I shook my head as austin followed it up with another. 'is this him looking out for my daughter' seeing him pick up her bridal style and carry her to the floor, I wasn't sure what to make of it. "how much have they drank Maxwell?" "Not too much. They are just having fun and after Monica hurt her, she is letting off steam too" "what did jadee say to her?" "Jadee? What?" "My daughter can have a mouth on her" "jadee was standing with her friends. Nothing was said between them. Monica just lost the plot" "I don't believe that" Maxwell shook his head and walked away.


'he doesnt even believe in his own daughter' "something got you on edge Maxwell?" I looked at Nikki. "Explaining what happened to Peter. He basically blamed jadee" "nothing out of the ordinary then" "that's normal?" "As long as I have known her, yes. Yes she can say things but this time she didnt" "I know that. You two get along well?" "Very. I can't wait to have her as my daughter in law. I already see her as one" I grinned "I'm not seeing a ring" nikki grinned "there isn't one. He left for another woman. Haven't seen him since. I take it there is no partner?" "No" "why?" "Had one. She annoyed the hell out of me" Nikki laughed. 'oh I love her laugh'.
"I see" I smirked as I looked at jadee "you need more drinks then" jadee looked at my hands "yeah you too" "I was planning to. I got distracted" "I can see why. Good reason" Nikki put her arm over jadees shoulder. "your dad is here" jadee looked around "sussing everyone out im sure" "and basically blaming you for what Monica did" "ehh.." Nikki and I laughed.
"Jadee, Maxwell and.." "Nikki" "you know my daughter well?" "Very. She is living with me and my son" "you are austins mother?" "Correct and this is my beautiful daughter in law. Pity she has blood on her from that bitch that attacked her for no reason. Even Monica's partner seen what she did out of anger. He is annoyed as well. Told her to leave" "I'm sure you said something" jadee shook her head "not to her I didn't. I was with Lana, Reilly, evett, Crissy and Mel. She attacked me from behind. She's a loose cannon. Probably hating on herself but that's her problem, not mine" "You don't help" "I haven't done anything. I stayed clear of her. All we are doing is just enjoying.." "hi jadee, how is your head?" "It's fine thank you Patrick" "I'm sorry about Monica. I don't know what is going on with her but that was not okay. I know you kept the peace" I Internally grinned "jadee kept the peace?" "Yes. I think I made a mistake having Monica as my wife" "it's fine Patrick. You don't need to apologise. Having a good night?" "Sure am. It's been great getting out and meeting all of these people. I'm not planning to leave until they close" all of us bar Peter laughed.


'fuck yes. It's been an amazing night. Everyone is getting along and having fun. Well, minus what Monica did but fuck that bitch' when hands moved around my waist, I turned to look at Austin. "Hey there handsome" putting my hands around his neck, austin showed a handsome grin. "having a good night, beautiful?" "I am. They will close soon" "I know. Then I can take my gorgeous partner home" "I'm looking forward to it. Have you been having a good night?" "Always when you are near" I grinned. "SORRY EVERYONE. WE WILL BE CLOSING IN FIFTEEN MINUTES" I Internally grinned as austin removed my arms and grabbed my hand "how about one more drink before we head home" "I'd love to".
"Hey Paolo, can we get two more beers please" "sure can. Last ones" "thanks". "How's your head?" "It's fine now" "til tomorrow" "probably" "she can rest" "I'm sure you will look after her" "always".
"Left her alone at all tonight, Austin?" "Never" Sam grinned "we better do this more often" "any night you want" "Sundays. It would be fun to hear you on the phone on Mondays" Austin and I laughed "suppose we should say bye to everyone" "definitely".
Saying good bye to everyone, I then looked around. 'time to go' exiting the pub, Austin kept his arm around me. "Where is your mom?" Austin shrugged "probably with Maxwell" I grinned "they would be great together. Both have a good sense of humour, relaxed and carefree" "I think so too. I would love to see her happy just like I am with you" I grinned.

Entering the house, I smirked "damn teenagers" Maxwell and Nikki laughed "how did it end?" "It was good. Hopefully everyone gets home safe" "fingers crossed. Are you two hungry?" "Is that a real question?" "Just go eat you two" "yes ma'am".

Never Him. Always Him.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora