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'no thanks to that fucking mongrel, I now have to go out there' getting changed into Austins clothes, I walked out and locked the door. "Jadee that is not.." "you are lucky I am out here. You put him in a position he shouldn't have been in. You make up all this fucking bullshit to please you. I have set it straight Peter. Listen" walking away and into the kitchen, I grabbed out two beers and then walked out to the dining room and sat down. "How has work been jadee?" "It's tolerable. Maxwell is a good man" "Maxwell?" "My supervisor" "oh I wasn't too sure who he is" I nodded "it's good to see you out here. We haven't seen you much" "busy life" "then you should slow down" "no" Kent turned his eyes and I internally grinned. Feeling my phone, I grabbed it out. 'lana' "Hey woman" "what's going on?" "At the dining table" "sounds like many are there?" "Yep" "hmm I'm just going to keep guessing and you can say yes or no" I chuckled "important?" "Not to me" "family related?" "Not to me" Lana chuckled "people there you don't like?" "Most" "occasion?" "Shit" "marriage?" "Yep" "oh fuck off. It's been a year huh?" "Yep" "partying?" "Pfft no" "WHO IS THAT?" i glared at my mother "keep going Abella. I hope you have a funeral plan" mom walked off and I kept my eyes on her. "Hoe" I laughed "yep. What are you doing?" "Just got off of the phone to Ari. It's my birthday on Saturday" "oh shit yeah. What are the plans?" "Well..  I was thinking cos it's so warm that we have a river party" "I am so in" "wait.. bathers" I Internally grinned "I'm so in" Lana laughed "I thought you might. Going to where the swing is". "Is that one of your friends?" I looked at Dahlia "yes" "why not invite them here?". "I'm busy" I held in my laughter "this isn't her scene" "oh".
"So do we have a time?" "Midday til past midnight" "that sounds intriguing" Lana cracked up laughing. "I spoke with austin. He said you would say something like that" "know me well" "and loving you a ton" "it's the same in return" "don't I know it. Damn love birds" "like you can talk" "I can. People just don't listen" "know the feels" Matthew walked around the table and sat beside me. "Is that Ari or Bosco?" "No. One of their partners" Matthew nodded. "I will let ya go woman" "don't" Lana cracked up laughing "sounds thrilling. I will give Austin a call" "I Claimed some items" "you want me to tell him that?" "Yeah it's comfortable" "I will tell him what you said. I know these codes and shit" I chuckled "bye woman" "love ya guts" "and yours. Bye" "bye".


'lana? Again?' "calling again?" "Yeah I just spoke with our woman" I smirked "did you just?" "Yep. Hot as hell that woman. She is stuck in a position right now. Stupid one year crap" "yeah I am aware what day it is. Did she say what was happening?" "No her filthy mother interrupted but she was speaking in code. She's stuck with all of them and annoyed as hell. She's coming on Saturday" "I already knew that" "yeah.. there may have been a detail that I left out" "for fuck sake Lana, what now?" "It's a bather party" I chuckled "fuck yes, I get to see my woman in bikinis" "my woman. Keep your hands off" "not a chance" "didn't think you would. I'm sure all of us are getting laid that night" I internally grinned "yep" "she told me to pass on that she claimed some items and they are comfortable" "what?.." 'my hood and track pants' I chuckled "oh she is wearing my track pants and hood.. at her fucking wedding anniversary" cracking up laughing, Lana did the same "fuck I love that woman of mine.." "ours" I chuckled. "Lots of laughter" "I will fill you in mom" "yeah you better".
"Speak soon champ" "yep. Bye" "bye".
"Okay so fill me in. was that jadee?" "No. It was Lana but she spoke with jadee" mom had a cheeky grin on her face "so what's happening?" "Well today is that anniversary" "argh.." "oh just wait. So first, shes stuck with all those posh pricks which she is hating. I can only imagine what she is up to" mom chuckled "yep" "and secondly she is there wearing my hood and track pants. The ones.." mom cracked up laughing "she won't give back" mom kept laughing "oh shit.. this is gold. That girl gives no fucks when it comes to them. I love her" "me too. I can only imagine what she is going through. I just hope her father doesn't hurt her" "you and me both. It's Been quite a few months but he's done it once, what is to say he won't do it again" I nodded. "I will message her soon" "I know you will".


Seeing my mother come out of the kitchen with food, I sat back. "Here everyone. Jadee if you are hungry, please eat" "no thanks" "I insist.." "I said no" mom looked at dad then back to me. "You have not eaten.." "yes I have" "more food.." "Abella I said no. Respect my wishes. Give it to someone else" 'i wouldn't trust this woman as far as I can throw her' seeing her grab the plate and take it to the kitchen, I Internally grinned. 'i wouldn't eat what she has served. I'm not stupid. Drugs can be used and I won't allow that' "nice ring jadee" Matthew immediately looked at my right hand "it's beautiful. Couldn't resist" "where did you get it from?" "I bought it. As I said I couldn't resist" "are you always on edge?" "She always speaks this way" "no she doesn't" mom looked at Matthew "no?" "No she doesn't. It's when she is put in these positions. We may not have a romantic relationship but she only speaks with this tone when you are around" "it's rude" I looked at my mother "want to know what's rude Abella.." "that. I am.." "no you aren't. Do you know what a mother does. The care and nurture. They are proud of their children and support what they want to do..you" I scoffed "no care, no nurturing and no support. All I ever received from you was down grading comments.." "jadee" I smirked "what's wrong Peter? Don't want the truth to come out. I'm a bitch, a hoe, a slut, an ugly shit, uneducated, unintelligent, a joke, a cow, oh and the old time favourite, The one that came first but will never succeed" mom put her head down "while you tried to bring me down and downgraded me, I grew stronger and I realised what matters. What matters is looking after myself, caring for myself, doing what's right for myself. Succeeding my way too and I have done that. You think you are high and mighty because you have money but you are low. You haven't worked a day in your life. You haven't given a damn about anyone bar yourself and you surely use manipulation to get your way. That's not me and the way I see it is, if I'm nothing like you, then I am doing amazing" "JADEE THIS IS ENOUGH" sitting back a small grin played on my lips as dad stormed my way. "All you are is Disrespectful. We have given you everything you want and have. I have provided for you.." "as a parent should do" "looked out for you" "as a parent should do" "loved and cared about you" "have you?" "All we have done is make sure you have everything you need" "hmm right" 'no he fucking hasn't' "it may not have worked out how you wanted but it's what is best for you" standing up, dad grabbed me and slammed my head to the wall and I chuckled "that's what you do best Peter. You lash out and cause injuries. Physically and mentally" copping two punches to the stomach, I held in my pain as I laughed "you are abusive, controlling, a liar and I lost my respect for you" "THIS NEEDS TO STOP NOW" dad released his hold and I felt my head "jadee" putting my hand up, I looked at dad "you see, it's you that loses control and it's you that I could get charged. I have the results from the other times and it looks like I need to go again. Is that what you want Peter?" "WHAT I WANT.." dad slammed his hand to my head "IS FOR YOU TO BE FUCKING APPRECIATIVE FOR WHAT I HAVE GIVEN YOU" "take it. Take it all. I don't care" getting grabbed, I moved "he was only trying to protect you.." I smirked "yeah.. now it's fine. Right?. You know what?, It would be easier to run just like britney did. I am so fucking proud of her. She's happy, healthy, engaged and following her dreams. You took that from me you fucking bastard" dad hit me again and I let out a low laugh "keep going Peter and you are done" "PETER, STOP. SHE WILL GET YOU CHARGED" holding eye contact with my father I showed a small grin "Im thinking I should".

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