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Arriving at home, I was surprised no one was over. Entering the kitchen, I looked in the fridge. 'maybe I can make up a spaghetti. I haven't had spaghetti in so long' spending thirty minutes making the sauce and cooking the sauce, I then grabbed the pasta. "Hi jadee. Oh you are cooking?" "Yes. I feel like spaghetti. If you would like some. I can put enough pasta on for you" "ahh yeah that would be great. Have you had a good day?" "Work was fine. Yours?" "It was alright. Are you heading out tonight?" "No. It's Monday" putting the pasta in, I then stirred it and checked the sauce. 'that smells so damn good' hearing my phone, I looked at the number. 'britney' "hey Brit. How's your week been?" "It's been great. I have some exciting news" "well tell me" "I'm pregnant" I grinned "well well someone has been up to no good" Britney chuckled "I can't be happier" "congratulations. How far are you?" "Thirteen weeks. I wanted to wait until I was in the safe period before telling you" "Im really happy for you Brit. Looks like it's all working out for you" "his family is so supportive. Oh, I got a deal" "you are writing a book?" "I wrote one and a publisher has agreed to get it on the shelves" "some romance book?" "No. It's for kids" I grinned "I'm proud of you. You have stuck to your guns and now look" "it's all working out. As you know Dean proposed. He wants to get married before our baby arrives" "do you?" "I can't wait to marry him. I want to know if you will be my bridesmaid" "wait wait wait. It's not some fancy wedding?" "I will not put you in pink" I laughed "when are you thinking?" "In two months. Tammy is really excited but being my bridesmaid means.." "I have to be there to help you with everything?" "If you can" "I'm available on Saturday afternoons or Sundays. Not both" "busy?" "Somewhat. What would you like help with?" "Dress, cake and your dress. One day of rehearsals and the wedding. It will be on a Saturday and you can bring a plus one. I know it won't be Matthew" "correct" Britney chuckled "okay. So how about in a fortnight I will help you pick your wedding cake and my dress. Have you got colours in mind?" "Teal" "that I can wear" Britney laughed "are you gaining much weight?" "No" "well that's handy" "that's why we want to do it early" "that's fair. I can't believe you are asking me of all people" "you support me" I grinned "will the invites be extended to mom and dad?" "No. I don't want them there. I don't want them destroying it. I can't forgive them for what they have done" "you and me both. Dad belted me last week" "what?" "Yeah.. ten stitches to the side of my head, seven to the temple, three to the lip and three to my eyebrow. I also had to have surgery for internal bleeding" "what?" I looked behind me to see Matthew 'shit' "I didn't know you were still in here" "are they your results?" "Yes" Matthew put his head down. "Matthew is there?" "Not long ago finished work" "you don't have me on loudspeaker?" "Not a chance" "phew. I will let you go but I will contact you soon" "okay bye Britney" "bye".
Serving up dinner, I spoke "Matthew do you like cheese on top?" "Yes thank you" adding cheese, I handed Matthew his no then grabbed my own and walked out to the dining table.
When Matthew joined me, he spoke "I knew about your face but not your head or internal bleeding. Will there be more issues?" "I don't believe so. Not unless he attacks me again" "why did you laugh?" "I won't allow him to see me break. He doesn't deserve that" Matthew nodded before we both started eating. When the door opened, I shook my head as dad spoke "it's good to see you are finally coming around" "why did you just enter the house?" 'that I didn't expect' Staying silent, I knew dad had his eyes on me "I wanted to see how things were going. It looks like they are improving. That's wonderful news for you both. Maybe what I did.." "you are a joke. Seriously. You just enter the house without permission then start ravelling on about crap. You have no idea what is going on but let me tell you. I wanted spaghetti. Matthew was here and I offered to make more. It has nothing to do with you belting me and I won't try to drug him like you two tried to do to me. It's not a romantic dinner. We just both need to eat" "jadee is right. She offered" "this needs to stop. It's been going on for more than a year. Not only your attitude but this situation. And your sister is out there and none of us know where she is.." "wrong. You and abella don't know where she is, I do. She is safe, really happy and I'm so proud of her. She's going to be an author like she wanted. As for my attitude, I am allowed to be this way. What I don't appreciate is everything you have done. So yes I will speak to you like this. I already told you, I don't want to see you and yet you continue then you come in here just assuming crap. Just like in the past, you failed to ask" "ENOUGH JADEE. I HAVE GIVEN YOU EVERYTHING YOU NEED.." "I ask that you don't yell in our home" "your mother and I have just wanted what's best for you" "how do you know what's best for me?" "Because I'm your father. We used to get along well then you changed" "I changed?" "Yes you changed. Things didn't go your way and you lost your crap. You pushed your good friend away, your family away.." "no. She was never a friend. A friend doesnt put on some act to be someone else. She fed Bosco, Ari and I lies. I don't need liars in my life. I don't need people controlling my life and I surely don't need family who thinks they know what's best especially your wife. What I said that night was true and the only reason you lost your shit was because you didn't want the truth to come out In front of everyone. I don't feel sorry for her. I'd say she got what she deserved but not even close" "did your mom really say all those things?" "She sure did. For many years. When I started school when I was five, that's where it all started. Britney was always her little princess but not now. Britney hates her" "I want Britney's number" "not a chance. If she wanted you to have it, she would contact you. All you are going to do is try force her into your life like you did me. She's extremely happy and I won't ruin that" "she is my daughter" "don't care. The answer is no" eating the rest of my spaghetti, Matthew stood up and grabbed our dishes. "Thank you" "it's okay. You cooked. It was delicious by the way" I grinned. When dad sat down, I rolled my eyes. "Don't roll your eyes. See he is a good person" "never said he wasn't. Just told you we arent.." "this is enough jadee. I have put up with this for over a year. You are being selfish.." "I'm being selfish? I'm doing what's right for me. Not what you have done. That wasn't right. You have been an abuser and controlling. I would rather be selfish and live my life than be you" dad slammed the table to my stomach. "JADEE. LEAVE OUR HOME IMMEDIATELY. SHE DOESNT DESERVE WHAT YOU HAVE DONE TO HER. LEAVE RIGHT NOW BEFORE I CALL THE POLICE. YOU HAVE ALREADY BEEN CHARGED FOR ASSAULT" "Matthew.." "THIS IS NOT OKAY. NO MAN SHOULD LAY HIS HANDS ON A WOMAN. FAMILY OR NOT. I KNOW YOU.." getting up, I fixed the table and walked away. "TRIED TO DRUG HER. EVEN IF YOU DID SUCCEED, I WOULD NOT HAVE SLEPT WITH HER THAT WAY". "JADEE DONT YOU WALK AWAY" "WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO? KILL ME? FUCK YOU, YOU ABUSING CUNT. NO WONDER YOU ARE WITH THAT FUCKING SLUT OF A WOMAN. NO WONDER BRITNEY HATES YOU BOTH. I HATE YOU BOTH. GET OUT OF MY FUCKING LIFE. DONT YOU THINK YOU HAVE DONE ENOUGH. GO TO HELL" entering my room, I slammed the door and locked it.


"I would like you to leave" "this isn't okay. All we have done is try to help. She won't give you the time of day. She knows you are a good person" "I don't appreciate you just entering the house and starting trouble. It was calm here and when you entered everything turned. leave please".

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