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Waking up in austins arms and him placing light kisses on my neck, I moved to look at him. "Even in the morning you look absolutely gorgeous" "and you handsome" hearing my phone, I sighed as Austin rolled over and grabbed it. "Your father" "great". Austin handed me my phone and I answered it. "Dad" "jadee where are you?. I'm concerned. You haven't been home all night. Out drinking.." Austin moved in-between my legs as I held eye contact with him. "personally I am worried. I know you have a lot on your mind but I don't want you making decisions you will regret" "stayed at a friend's place" "not Monica's, Aris or boscos. I have already contacted their parents" I rolled my eyes "no. I don't know when I am coming back to the house" dad sighed "I understand you are upset. I don't like that you told Matthew that" "it's true. You know I won't lie" Austin sucked on my neck but not enough to leave a mark. "He will be your husband" "I don't care about him" I heard my dad sigh "then you need to learn.." "no" "jadee don't make this harder.." "I told you how I feel but you don't care" "of course.." "no you don't" looking into austins eyes as he moved back, I shook my head as a cheeky grin showed on his face. "if you cared you'd know what I want to do and let me do it. I have no interest in being an office.." "don't jadee" "or being that boring asses wife. What's he think I am going to do?. I ain't being his.." "JADEE" Austin entered two fingers into my vagina as he kept eye contact with me. 'fuck what is this man doing?. I am on the phone' "no. I'm not going to be doing anything for him or with him. I don't want this. I have been clear on it" "you can make it work" "no. As I said don't expect anything from me. This is enough" "get home jadee" "that's not a home" "NOW" "I'm not going back to the house yet. I don't want to be there and I know darn well they will come over" "your sisters fiance is coming over and we want you here" "pfft so getting rid of both of your kids" "jadee. Stop please" "why wouldn't you.." I looked at Austin as I held down a moan 'argh he's dead' "speak to me about this. You just go ahead and marry me off like I am nothing to you" "that's not.." "I don't care anymore" hanging up the phone, I sat up. "Austin I was.." Austin crashed his lips on mine and I rolled us over. "Jadee.." "nope" moving down the bed, Austin gripped my arm "no" Austin sighed. Putting my mouth over his shaft, I ran my tongue around the knob before completely bringing him into my mouth. Pleasuring him with not only my mouth but also fondling his balls, Austin ripped me up and flipped us over before slamming himself inside of my vagina making me moan out. 'fuck. He makes me feel good'.


'i know she's going today and I plan to fuck her as much as I can, kiss her as much as I can and have her in my hold. I don't know when I will see her next'.


I didn't want to leave but I had too. Austin begged me to stay and he knew I wanted to. I never wanted to leave. I told him I will see him as soon as I can. Entering the house, my mother stood at the door.  "WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN?" I glared at my mother "I ASKED YOU A QUESTION. NOT ONLY.." "FUCK OFF" "I WILL NOT.." "I SAID FUCK OFF. DONT COME NEAR ME. I WANT NOTHING TO DO WITH YOU. EVER" entering my room, I slammed my door shut and locked it. 'argh I shouldn't have come home' unlocking my phone, I looked at the message from Austin.

Austin - I hated seeing you go. I so badly want to keep you here with me. Your taste, touch, looks, intelligence, smell. I never want to lose it. I'm afraid that I will never see you again. I haven't met someone like you. I know what they are doing and I know you hate it just as much as I do.
- I didn't want to leave. I would've loved to have stayed there with you. In your arms, talking, having fun. Things changed drastically and there's only one good thing about all of it, I met you. I don't want to do this. None of it. You know that. You will see me again. I will make sure of it. There's nothing I want more.
Sending the message, I locked my phone as my door unlocked. "Jadee" I looked at my father indifferent. 'I used to respect him' "it's good to have you home" "I don't want to be here" dad moved to sit on the bed "look this job it's secure. It's guaranteed. I know you want to be a horticulturist but that doesn't fit in. You and your sister will work in the company. You have the intelligence to do so" 'this is not my dream' "Matthew will be a good partner for you.." "no" "nothing will change" "just leave me alone. I know I have no choice. I'm more than ropeable" seeing my mother enter, I looked at her with hatred "listen here you little bitch.." "FUCK OFF" "JADEE" "NO FUCK THAT HOE. LEAVE ME ALONE" my dad put his head down. "I'm sorry.." "no you aren't. I once respected you" dad looked at me and I turned my eyes "once.." "yeah once. Not now. I will marry that faggot but don't expect anything from me. He better not either. I won't do a thing for him" dad stood up with watery eyes and walked out. Getting up, I slammed my door and locked it. Grabbing my stereo, I turned it on and up full ball. Seeing my door open, I grabbed my chair and threw it as my mother entered "AHH.." "FUCK OFF" my mother raced out and I closed and locked the door before putting the chair under the door knob. 'if they don't respect that I have locked my door, I will stop them opening it with the chair. 'fuck off'.
Sitting on my bed, I then moved to lay down and stared at the roof. 'fuck this shit'.


'ive lost her completely. It doesn't matter what I say. She hates what I have done. There's no way I can get through to her. I know she will stick to what she has said. She's more than angry. I haven't heard her speak this way. Hearing the door, I walked to it and opened it.
"Martina, Albert and jack please come in" "it's good to see you Peter. Jack is ecstatic with the news" seeing Britney and abella, I watched as both of them lowered their heads "it seems my daughter is shy" "not at school. It's so good to see you Britney. I am thrilled to hear we will be married" Abella walked away and I spoke "come sit down Britney. Your mother has already put dinner on" "okay daddy".
All five of us taking a seat, I spoke "have you all been well?" "We sure have. How have things been with you?" "Fantastic as always. It seems my daughter is ready to fly the coup" "after her schooling I'm sure" "definitely. I have arranged to look at a house for both of them. Would you like to see?" "We'd love to".
Grabbing the images, I placed them on the table. "Oh wow that is a lovely home" "I think so too. Do you two associate a lot at school?" "Not as much as I would like too. But she is all I want. I have been wanting Britney for many years" "that's wonderful".


'argh this was not the plan. I wanted that bitch gone and now Peter is marrying off Britney. I am far from okay with this but I can't change anything. He has already agreed'.
"Are you all ready to eat?" "Yes" "yes" "yes we are" "right I will serve it up" "I can give you a hand" "oh don't be silly. You are a guest" "we will be family. It's only right" "okay Martina. I will accept your help" Martina smiled and got out of her chair to help."is jadee not joining us?" "I am unsure. She may be studying" "well that is a good thing" "I think so too". 'argh it's always jadee. Why not ask about Britney and how she feels about this entire situation?. I'm far from happy with it' serving up food for everyone, Martina and I took it to the table. "this looks incredible. Thank you" "you are very welcome. Please enjoy".

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