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Hearing an alarm, I rolled over. 'what the fuck?. Who the hell has been in my room?' turning the alarm off, my door opened. "Good morning jadee. You have work this morning" 'that fucking moron set my alarm' getting up, I grabbed my phone and work clothes and entered the bathroom' having a shower, I got out, dry and dressed. 'who fucking knows how today will go. I'm sure it will be boring as hell. Yep that will do' putting my phone in my skirt, I then put my flats on and walked out. Seeing Britney dressed for work, she had a vacant look on her face. "both of you should have some breakfast before we leave" "both of you look wonderful" never addressing any of them, I walked into the kitchen with Britney.
"Just toast?" I nodded "I will help" "okay".
Making toast, Britney handed me a plate and we both sat down to eat. "How was the hangover?" Britney looked at me shaking her head "terrible but worth it" I grinned "Moscato?" "How did you know that?" "It's sweet. I'm more bitter" "I know" I held in my laughter "did anything happen afterwards?" "No. I went home" I nodded "you went out?" I nodded.
Finishing our breakfast, we put our dishes in the sink and walked out.
"That was quick" "are you both ready?" I nodded before walking out.


'this is not what I want to do. I want to be an author. I don't even know what the job entails but this is far from my likes. I wanted to sit in the fresh air and just write. To take in the weather as it relaxes me. Dad's company is indoors and massive. I do not mind speaking but this doesn't interest me'.
"Let's head inside" exiting the car, I stayed with jadee as we followed dad inside. 'this place is boring. There's no colour just plain white walls, everyone wearing black and white. Many people rushing around doing whatever they do'. "this is our main foyer. We have fifteen levels here. Over time you will get used to each floor" dad looked at both of us "jadee a position is open in the orders and shipping department which is on level four. I'm sure you are more suited for that and Britney on level ten, there is a position in reception for you" 'reception? I don't want to be a receptionist' "let's go to level four first. Jadee I will introduce you to Maxwell. He is hr" none of us saying a word, we followed dad into the elevator and into level four.
"Maxwell" "hi boss. This must be jadee?" "No. This is jadee. This is Britney. Britney will be on level ten. Jadee here needs to learn about the orders and shipping" "its good to meet you both. I can show jadee" "very well. Jadee" I took a deep breath as jadee never looked our way. 'shes just as unhappy as I am'. "Britney, you can follow me, I will show you where you will be working" following dad to the elevator and up to level ten, I took a deep breath. 'i don't like heights. Block it out Britney. You are in a building'.
"This will be your station. Everything that you need to say and do has been written down for you. I know it will take a bit to learn but I do eventually expect efficiency" looking at the three sheets, I picked them up. 'this is all? This is what I have to say and do?' "Marley will show you the ropes and from there you can take over. Marley leaves on Friday. Here she comes now" looking at Marley, I kept my face void of emotion. "Britney. It's wonderful to meet you" "Britney will be learning as of today. Please make sure she does her job correctly" "yes boss".


Sitting down reading what the job entails, Maxwell stood behind me. "This job can be very fast paced at times. Are you able to concentrate on more than one thing?" "Yes" "I hear your schooling was of the highest honours" "it was" "well that is good news. I like this floor to run smoothly. I won't have you on the phones as yet but you will need to learn how to sort all of this paperwork and control shipments" I nodded.


'my girls didn't say anything this morning. I don't know how they are feeling about their positions or how they are going. I will pull them away for lunch shortly. I just hope I haven't made a mistake in trusting them to work in the company. I know I won't get much from both of them. Maybe Britney but jadee has already said she doesn't want anything to do with me. That hurts. They are my daughter's. All I am trying to do, is what I think is right. To set their lives up so they can live comfortably'.
"Afternoon marley and Britney. How is britney going?" "Britney is learning fast. A very quiet one you have here. It's good that she won't mess around" I nodded "Britney. We should have some lunch. Marley we will be back in thirty minutes" "that's fine boss".
Getting in the elevator, I pressed the four and waited for the doors to close. "Is the job too hard?" "No" "Marley said you are doing well. That is a positive" I sighed as Britney stayed silent. 'i guess I won't get much from her either'.

Exiting the elevator, I looked at jadee as she sat at the desk typing on the computer. 'it does suit her' "hi boss" "Maxwell. How is jadee going in her position?" "Works fast and picks things up quite easily. I won't be having her on the phones until I know she works well in sorting and deliveries" "that I understand. No troubles?" "No" I nodded "jadee it's time for lunch. Maxwell, I will have her for thirty minutes" "okay". When jadee stood up, she pushed her chair in and walked our way never giving any of us eye contact.
"How did you go being up so high?" "Its okay. I'm not near a window" 'what are they talking about?' "don't you like views, Britney?" "I don't like heights" "how will you go on the plane?" "Not well" I took a deep breath 'how did I not know my daughter doesnt like heights'. "maybe speak with a doctor and get a tablet to travel" "can I?" "I believe so. Know where you are going?" "Hawaii like you" "it's a beautiful destination" when both girls stayed silent I took a deep breath.
"This is our cafeteria. Order what ever you would like. Gretta. These two girls can put their meals on my tab" "yes boss."


'this job is boring as hell. Sorting paperwork and sending out deliveries. I have no interest in this at all'. Sitting at the table with dad and Britney, I never spoke a word as I ate my meal. Feeling my phone signal a message, I grabbed my phone out.

Austin - how is your day going?
- it's boring. Yours?
Austin - same old here. Are you on a break?
- I am. With Britney and my father
Austin - I won't be calling then but I will call you later. Lana said don't have too much fun
- I will drown her in the fountain when I see her next
Austin - she looks forward to getting wet. Don't let them give you hell
- never. Have fun for me

Putting my phone away, I looked out the window. "Afternoon" keeping my eyes away from the man, dad spoke "afternoon. Everything running as it should?" "Yes it is. The New products will be coming in this afternoon" "that is good news. The quicker the better. These are my daughter's. This is Britney and this is jadee" "you said twins?" "Correct" "nothing alike" "no. Britney more looks like Abella" "I can see that. It's good to meet you both. I'm Mike" I looked at Mike "hi" "hi Mike" "very quiet these two" "they can be. Adjusting to the work I'm sure" 'he is so full of shit' "I hear you are both getting married. I'm sure many men will be devastated not having you by their side. Both are intelligent according to your father" "thanks" "they are. It has been twenty minutes. Both of you need to get back to your work spaces" standing up, I looked at Britney as she did the same. "You both know where you are going now" without saying a word, Britney and I both walked away from dad and Mike. "I hate this jadee" "me too. This is our life" "I don't want it to be. When you left the engagement, I had many approach me. Now I understand why you drink" "I drink to let loose. I can block out everyone whenever I want. Did they try to force you to do anything?" "Dance with jack" "did you?" "Yes" "and?" "I don't like him" I nodded.

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