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'i better call Austin'. Dialling his number, I waited. "Hey beautiful, how's your morning been?" "I have had Maxwell on my damn case all day" I chuckled "you said you expected it" "yep. How is your day going?" "It's been alright and turned to shit" "let me guess, Karly?" "Yes" "I might have to start being the jealous fiance and all" "there's no need for that. I have put her in her place over and over again..." "Austin, thanks for inviting me out it's been wonderful" I chuckled as Austin spoke "I didn't invite you anywhere. This is our job. Get away from me and my car. I'm trying to have a peaceful lunch and speaking with my beautiful fiance" "you haven't told her yet?" I smirked "are you fucked in the head or what? Did that hair dye sink in and make you stupid. Fuck off" "that's not what.." "put it on loud speaker" "alright".
"OI LISTEN HERE KARLY MCBRADY, I KNOW YOU AND I WILL BE SEEING YOU SOON. STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM MY FIANCE BEFORE YOU CANT FUCKING WALK. YOU CAN TRY YOUR MANIPULATION BULLSHIT BUT LET ME TELL YOU THIS. YOU ARE YOU ARE EXACTLY LIKE EMILY SUNDRY AND I FUCKED HER UP TO OR DONT YOU REMEMBER THAT" "jadee.. your fiance is jadee Monash?" "Yes she is. NOW FUCK OFF" I chuckled as Austin spoke "what the hell did you do to Emily? Karlys running with her tail between her legs" "I may have snapped her elbow and broke her nose" "why?" "She fucked Bosco over" "hmm seems fitting then. How did your dad take the news?" "He wasn't happy. He wants me to work there on Mondays" "well do it. We are both trying to save our asses off" I grinned "Maxwell will be happy. He reckons I should bring my fancy plant science paperwork in and do it here" Austin laughed "he doesn't want to work huh?" "He doesn't want to train someone new. Should've been here. I don't want a hot, annoying, beer drinking, good company, football loving person here. I want you here" Austin cracked up laughing. "spoke with Sam?" "Not yet. Argh Maxwell said he is telling him I'm leaving and going to get me in trouble with my work husband" "well.. good luck with that" "I will sweeten it and tell him we can meet up for beers" "that should do it" "hopefully. It's bad enough I have to listen to Maxwell all day" "payback for you annoying him on Mondays" I chuckled "yep. Busy day?" "This job and one more after then I will be home" "dirty get about" Austin chuckled "I may be home about thirty minutes later" "thirty minutes?. And where are you going?" "Beer buddy sent me a message" "oh I see just leave me for a woman" "nah she's definitely not my type. She just gets my throat wet before I come home to you" "I have something that can help with that" "yep. You definitely do" Austin chuckled. "I better get going. I have to be at my station in five" "alright. Enjoy your afternoon beautiful" "you too handsome. Bye" "love you" "love you".

Getting back to my work station, I smirked "what's this?" Maxwell stood with his arms crossed "an intervention. Sit down" "can I sweeten it?" "No. Sit" "argh. Wait isn't an intervention supposed to have more people" "I have enough personalities" I chuckled and sat down in my seat. "okay supervisor. What is this about?" "Your life" I held in my laughter as Maxwell grabbed a chair and sat right in front of me. "Your fiance. If he hasn't agreed to you working Mondays, I think you need to hand him back that ring. This isn't okay" I laughed "are you going to tell him that?" "Yep. Give me your phone" grabbing my phone out, I unlocked it and handed it to Maxwell. Seeing Maxwell call him and put it on loudspeaker, I Internally grinned.
"Hey beautiful.." "listen here Austin. I don't care how gorgeous that ring is. I have come to a decision" "definitely Maxwell" I laughed "okay tell me" "if you have said she shouldn't work Mondays, she is giving you back the ring and.." "have you actually let her speak or just been going at my beautiful fiance?" "She hasn't spoken" "you haven't even given me a chance. I'm in an intervention" austin laughed "too bad Maxwell. The ring stays" "nah nah nah she loves me more. Plus I'm a supervisor. she has to listen" "how about you listen to her" "well?" "I'm working Mondays" Austin laughed as Maxwell spoke "YOU ARENT LEAVING ME. HELL YES. OH WE ARE SO DRINKING ON THE JOB" I laughed "going to stop annoying my fiance yet?" "Oh shit. Bye Austin" I laughed as Maxwell hung up the phone.


'oh this prick just hung up on me' I chuckled 'i can see she has been copping it all day. I know he's only making light of the situation. I would like to meet him one day. Maybe on Friday, I can finish thirty minutes early and go see her and meet him'.


"Oh my work husband. It's so good to hear from you" "give me that damn headset" "no way in hell. Scoot" Maxwell and Sam laughed "you best put it on loud before I take it" "argh. One sec Sam" "I have all day" changing it to the phone, Maxwell spoke. "Look you have to back me Sam. Jadee is leaving me" "WHAT? NUH I AM NOT DEALING WITH ANYONE ELSE. THIS ISNT OKAY" I laughed as Maxwell showed a cheeky grin "see. You can't leave" "I'm working Mondays so you don't miss out but this one hasn't shut up. He keeps complaining he doesn't want to work" "nah that's not it.." "lies" Sam laughed "she's staying on Mondays that's all I care about. Got your job huh?" "Yep in two weeks. Five days a week. I will be here Mondays just to annoy you two" "she's lying. She doesn't annoy me. Keeps me sane" "definitely not grounded" "nope" Sam and Maxwell laughed "but look we can always meet up for beers" "why the hell does he get invited?" "I have already met up with her for beers" seeing the elevator I chuckled "oh seeing the work husband out of work. That's not allowed" "I was lucky. All in one sitting, I had my work husband, my fiance and my ex husband" Maxwell cracked up laughing "and Bosco" "Bosco?" "Yeah a good mate of mine. Sam is his uncle" "well shit" "and.." Sam laughed "you know Marilyn?" "Argh I wish I didn't" "that's Sam's ex wife" Maxwell looked at me wide eyed before he broke out in laughter "shit Sam. That I didn't expect" seeing my dad standing there, I internally grinned as Sam spoke "that's why I left her. Can't stand the bitch. So is Maxwell joining for weekly beers?" "Weekly?" "Yep that's the deal. You are leaving me for three and a half days. You need to make up for it" "I'm always up for beers. They have a stupid television there too" "at the hotel?" "Yep" "see we can watch football together" "I don't watch television" "why not?" "Music is better" "I do agree with that" "out voted. You are shit" "oh I am going to give you hell for the next two weeks and every Monday following" "how many public holidays are coming up. I think I need them" the men laughed "either way you are working" "god help me" "oh you are stuck with us. So.. Friday?" I chuckled "yeah I am up for that. I meet Mel there at the hotel on Fridays anyway" "your exs partner?" "Yeah we get along really well. Might have to make it the new spot" "inviting all those crazies?" "You will fit in well. Look I can have Bosco annoy you" "where do you think he learnt his ways" "knew it" the men laughed. "is this you three working?" "Yes" dad chuckled "I can see Mondays are always going to be like this" "don't bring the trainee in on Mondays" dad smirked "I'm not planning to. This company is supposed to run.." "efficiently" "I swear it does. I'm a very satisfied customer" all of us laughed "good to know Sam. I don't want to hear my customers are unsatisfied" "always. Mondays are definitely the best though" "that can change to two days a week. Say..." "One thirty. I know you finish at one" I grinned "one thirty it is. Everyone finishes at one" "looks like the hotel will be full" "good luck to Paolo then" "who the hell is Paolo?" "The guy that runs the bar on Fridays" "first name basis" "need to know whose name I am screaming" the men laughed "I'm sure Austin will be pleased" "he's always.." "no I don't need to hear this" "I found a way out of Mondays.." "no" I laughed.

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