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"Man what happened to you last night?" "Ahh.. came home from work and found out that jadee was hurt" "HURT?" "her father. He hit her in the back of the head then hit her twice in the face. She received four stitches to the eyebrow. She's swollen and bruised but that's not all. He slammed her to the concrete hitting her head" "WHAT?" "fourteen stitches to the back of her head" "fuck man. Where is she?" "She's here. Still asleep. They hurt her pretty bad nickson" "when she wakes, can we come visit?" "Mom won't have an issue. I will call when she's up" "me?" I immediately turned "jadee. Shit" jadee nodded "she's awake. Ask" "nickson is on the phone. He wants to know if you are okay to see everyone?" "It's okay. This is your home" 'ours' "I heard. We will be around soon" "alright bye" "bye". Seeing Jadee had walked away, I immediately went to find her.
"After some food" "smart. Take a seat. You definitely need a feed and then a ton of pain relief. No offence but you look like shit" "I feel it. My head is pounding" "I can only imagine". 'my woman is in pain. I don't like this' hearing her phone ring, mom sighed "will that be your father?" "Probably".


'its Monica' "hey mon" "HEY MON? YOUR FUCKING SISTER RAN.." "don't yell" "from her wedding. Your father is looking for you. He said it's urgent. What the hell is going on?" "What's going on is Britney ran and I copped it" "copped it?" "Two hits to the face, one to the back of the head and my head slammed to the concrete" "that's why you don't want me yelling. pounding head?" "More than that. How are things going with Patrick?" "We.. get along but there's nothing there" "you are friends?" "Yeah.." I looked at Austin as Monica continued to speak. "I think it's easier you know. Just like you and Matthew, I will be living with Patrick. I need to get along with him. I don't want to fight" 'hmm there's something happening' "that I understand. That's great for you mon" "have you been getting along with Matthew?" "As you know..I have been living my life as my father wants but I won't give in" "as he wants so none of the guys Down south?" I looked at the note pad and wrote down words to show Austin and Nikki. "please don't make a sound" 
Nikki and Austin nodded as I spoke "no. I haven't seen them. Have you spoken with Jake?" "No. It's best I don't" "fair enough. Oh shit I better go my doctor just walked in" "doctor?" "At hospital. Bye mon" "bye."
"What was that?" I shook my head as Nikki put the plate down "it seems she is marrying Patrick with happiness. She has wiped Jake. I'm not here" Austin clenched his hand "she turned her back?" "Yes" "this is fucked up. I need to call him" I nodded.
Hearing the front door, I sat still eating my food as nickson, Lana, Reilly, evett, Crissy, Jake and Danny walked in. "Fuck. Do you need anything?" "To be honest. Monica has turned her back" "WHAT?" "don't yell. Her head is pounding. She was just on the phone with Monica. It seems she is happily marrying Patrick" Jake put his head down "happily?" "That's what I got out of it. She was hesitant In her words which she never is. She said they get along and are friends. I told her I have been living my life as my father wants. Told her I haven't seen or spoke to you guys and she seemed a little more upbeat. From there I guessed. She said she hadn't spoken with you" "she hasn't and now I know why. I appreciate the honesty" "yeah well.. it seems I can't trust her. If she does make contact.." "we haven't seen or heard from you. Oh how did you go with your licence?" I grinned "I got it" "that's awesome. Driving us around" "her car is not coming down here. They will find it and follow" "okay nah keep it up there. We don't want them here". I nodded "eat up miss. Then Pain relief" "look I'm all for compliments but right now, you look fucking terrible" "feeling it. Eighteen stitches all up" "heard from Britney?" "No I haven't but I am proud of her. I should've done that" "damn right you should've. What is your last name now?" "Still Monash, I refuse to change it" "your dad is Peter Monash?" "Yes" "holy shit. Fucking rich ass families and shit" I chuckled "not me".


'i can't get a hold of either of my daughters. Im angry Britney left the altar but I'm also concerned for her welfare. Noone has seen her since. This is unlike Britney. I expected it from jadee but not her. I have spoken with jadees friends. No one knows where she is. even Monica was honest and said they used to party with a group down town but according to Monica, they cut contact. I need jadee to answer her phone. She left with her head bleeding and her face bleeding. I have no idea where she is or how she is. Abella is concerned and so is Matthew. Trying to call both girls, once again they didn't answer. "No luck Peter?" "Nothing. I don't know what to do. I don't know if they are okay, where they are, if they will come to work on Monday and if they do what reception I will get. Jack is devastated. Abella and I we just.. I shouldn't of done what I did. Jadee didn't encourage her, it was all on Britney. She could have me charged" "do you think she will?" "I don't know. I just want to know they are okay, especially jadee" "tried the hospital?". "no. I might head down there" Matthew nodded.

"Sir, can I help you?" "I'm looking for jadee kallihan" "I'm sorry sir no jadee kallihan has been admitted" "jadee Monash?" When the nurse looked, she nodded "yesterday. Shes not here anymore sir" "do you know when she left?" "Twelve thirty six yesterday afternoon" "thanks you". 'she left. She came to hospital which means she received help but where is she?. A hotel?'.


'i better call Britney to see if she is okay' excusing myself, I dialled britneys number. "Jadee. Are you okay?" "I'm more worried about you?" "Im not going back. Tammy said I can stay" "who is this guy?" "Dean" I grinned "yeah I can see it. Do what's right by you" "but what about you?" "I can handle it" "you sound flat" "injured but fine" "injured. What happened? Oh... Dad?" "Yes. Three head hits and I was slammed to the concrete. Fourteen stitches in the back of my head and four in my eyebrow" "are you home now?" "Not at the house with Matthew. I know dad will be there or go there" "he's going to hunt us down" "just do what's right by you okay" "and what about you?" "I will work it out. Are you sure this is what you want?" "Definitely" I grinned "go for it. I will speak to you later okay?" "Okay bye jadee" "bye". 'she is with who she wants and with an adult. I do hope it works out for her, I just hope it does for me too' taking a seat on austins bed, I looked at my clothes. 'shit I'm covered in blood' "jadee?" "Do you mind if I go for a shower?" "Not at all. You know where it is" "thanks" "no soaps" "yes ma'am" Nikki grinned.


'that girl is strong. I'm worried about her going back to that house this evening. What if he hurts her again?' "jade.. mom have you seen jadee?" "She's gone for a shower" "she can't with those stitches" "no soaps. Just water. I'm worried about her going back to that house tonight" "you and me both. It's not the first time that asshole has hit her" "I know. We know she will go to work. She's saving what she can. Did she tell you?" "No. What have I missed?" "While disorientated yesterday, she said she is saving all her dollars to do her horticulture schooling online" Austin beamed a smile "she is going to do the physical work at the end" "but how?" "Weekends maybe. She's adamant".


"Jadee. That's a bit better but it's not good" "I know. Sorry I stole your clothes" "I don't care. You can wear whatever you want. Taking them with you tonight?" "Yeah I don't give shit" Austin grinned "you wear track pants and hoods all the time anyway. They probably won't know" "that too. Is everyone in the lounge?" "They are" "then let's go see them" "you can't see them you aren't here" "what a shame".

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