Chapter 2

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As soon as I hit the floor I realize that my glasses dropped and since I strained my eyes today everywhere looks blurry without it so I I try to feel the ground for it. I hear the voice of the person and judging by his voice it's a man I wonder where he was running to that he bumped into me."Sorry it's my fault you fell,are you looking for something"He said apologetic.At least he knows it's his fault I see a blurry vision of his outstretched hands so I take them and he helps me stand."I'm looking for my glasses they fell"I said."Don't worry I'll get it for you"He said.I see his blurry figure bend down and pick something on the floor which I guess is my glasses."Here take them"He said. I reach out to take them and when I try to wear it I have difficulty wearing my glasses.

I hear his voice again"Do you need my help with your glasses",I didn't realize he was still here."Yes if you don't mind"I said."I don't mind it's my fault it fell down anyway"He said. I hand him my glasses and he helps me put it on.At least I can see properly now.The first thing I notice about him is that he's tall he's at least a feet taller than my five feet two height and the color of his eyes they are a beautiful emerald green color,I've always wanted an eye color like that since mine is a light blue also his jet black hair that looks as if he's run his hands through them a number of times all in all the guy looks like God spent an extra minute creating him.

"Can you see properly now"He said."Yes thanks for staying and helping me"I said.Since I'm lost and this guy is here maybe I should ask for his help when I see that he's about to leave."Do you work here"I ask a little bit loud. The guy looks confused"Are you talking to me".I look around confused since there's no one else here the place seemed to have cleared out a while ago I guess the show's about to start soon."Yes,I'm talking to you do you work here",He looks confused but he replies"You could say that".Okay I wonder why he's acting so strange "Could you help me find my way to the VIP lounge I'm lost"I asked. He looks at me as if he's trying to figure something out"Sure it's on my way".I wonder what's going on in his head "Okay thanks".

"So I guess you're here for the concert"the guy said."Yes I am"I answered."So are you a fan or someone dragged you along"he asked.
"I'm here with my sister"I said.Why can't we just have a quiet walk to the lounge if I tell the guy to stop talking I'll seem mean and I don't want that maybe I should bring my phone out and listen to music I check my pocket but I only find my earpiece oh right I forgot my phone at home maybe if I just put my earpiece on he'll get the message.

After I put my earpiece on it becomes quiet for a few minutes I wonder how far I walked that we've not reached the lounge yet."What's your name"The guy asked. I pretend as if I'm listening to music and I'm mouthing the lyrics of a random song I feel bad but i just don't feel like talking."You know I can tell you're not listening to music right"the guy said.I remove the earpiece"I'm sorry I'm just really tired and I didn't want to seem mean"I said with a nervous smile."Don't worry it's actually a nice change of pace people are usually trying to find an excuse to speak to me it's been a while since I've been on the other side of that"He said with a smile on his face. He's got one of those smile that just seem to bright up his face and he looks even more handsome than before.

Immediately he sees the confused look on my face"um I mean since I work with Hayden Thorne people are always trying to use me to meet him"he said."Okay anyway I'm sorry"I said."Like I said it's nice don't worry I promise we can just have a nice quiet walk to the lounge after I ask you this question what's your name"He said. I smile at him"Avery Anderson"."You have a beautiful smile"he said with an adorable smile on his face."Thanks,what's your name"I asked him."Jason,looks like we're here already"He said. I look forward and I can see the lounge from here"Thanks for helping me Jason"I said."Don't worry,it was nice talking to you I've got to go I'm already late bye"He said. Just like that he runs off in the opposite direction.

Immediately I enter the lounge I see Eva talking to someone that on her phone"he wasn't there dad I basically started looking for him and it's like he disappeared"she must be speaking to Uncle Steve I hear him say something but since it's getting noisy I can't really here it Eva looks up and she sees me "Dad looks like the concert will soon start I'll call you later"Eva cuts the call."Did you go somewhere Avery"Eva asks."Just wanted to check out the place"I said."The concert should have started a long time ago i wonder where Hayden is"She said worriedly. Eva expression changes in a second and before I know it she jumps up and starts screaming and everybody in the stadium joins her"Hayden's on the stage"Eva said excitedly."Well I'm going to the back"I said."Okay"Eva said distracted.I go to the back and I take seat and pulled my hoodie over my head and put my glasses in my pocket and because I'm tired before I know it I've fallen asleep.

"Avery wake up wake up"Eva said."Give me five more minutes Eva"I said drowsily."We don't have five minutes"She said. Before I know it Eva is literally shaking me.I open my eyes"Okay okay I'm awake"I look around and the stadium is already clearing out I guess the concert is over already."Why are your eyes so red and your face is swollen"Eva asked."it's probably because I just woke up"I said.Eva hands me a bottle of water"Hayden is already on his way here and I don't want him to see you looking like this go to the bathroom and rinse your face".As I'm walking to the bathroom I realize my eyes have stopped hurting when I get to the bathroom I stand in front of the sink and rinse my face when I'm through I put my glasses on to avoid a repeat of earlier.

I wonder why Eva cares about how I look in front of Hayden. I reach the lounge in less than a minute and I see Eva smiling and talking to someone. I guess that must be Hayden,I walk towards Eva when I reach her I tap her back she turns back and look at me"Avery you're here you look a little bit better any way let me officially introduce you to Hayden Thorne"Eva said."Hayden this is my sister Avery Anderson"Since I'm facing Eva I smile and turn around to face Hayden and when I see him the smile on my face drops cause turns out Hayden is actually Jason.

Hope you guys like the chapter thanks for reading.

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