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Tuesday, 7 August 2007

Dear diary,
Chris made us jump on this poor old horse from a freaking diving board in the excruciating August heat! LeShawna and I had to jump together and I ended up landing somewhere I'd really not like to talk about. Just watch the episode if you're wondering, freaks.

The next part of our challenge had us looking like complete idiots because we had to dress up as with cows or cowboys. And lucky me had to wear an utter on my head. I've been begging Chris for a wig, but he keeps taking about the "budget" and all that other crap. If he can afford dozens of golden statues, he can afford ONE wig. It would be nice if I had some backup wigs too though...

Gwen broke up with Trent. Too bad I wasn't there to see it. I just got the info from LeShawna about an hour ago while we were getting ready for bed. Trent's own team voted him off, which is strange because they seemed angry at Gwen for breaking up with him. Oh well, has nothing to do with me unless Gwen is scheming. I bet she had Trent throw challenges for her, but that's none of my business since we're on the same team.

I kinda wish one person besides Harold would talk to me :(
xoxo, Heather

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