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Monday, 16 July 2007

Dear diary,
I'm sorry if I rip your pages because they're wet from my tears. I literally am so angry that I'm crying right now in the communal bathrooms at 2 in the morning, but writing is the only way to stop it. I hardly ever cry, so don't get used to it. This is the only way I can get my head back in the game for our next challenge in two days.

Earlier today, we got some video messages from home from our families. Apparently, they were filmed shortly after we arrived at camp, and Chris didn't show them to us until now. No surprise there. There's only 4 of us left, so of course, he'd want to hide it from the majority. But I kinda wish mine would've stayed hidden. Over the last few weeks, I thought about how my parents would've definitely gotten me by now and sued the show because of what I said on the very first episode. I explicitly said "I'm calling my parents. You cannot make me stay here." People could even see it on the rewatch if they don't believe me. Chris took away our phones as soon as the cameras went off, which used to be a big deal to me, but it's whatever now. Fooling everyone in this stupid game suffices.

Anyway, my video from home really explained why my parents never came to pick me up. They thought the camera was off, so they started celebrating while having my things moved out of my room. They were so happy that I was gone. I thought me and my mom had the best mother-daughter relationship ever. We always got pedicures together and went shopping together. Of course, she hasn't really talked to me much in the past couple of years, but I thought she would at least like me as her daughter. And my dad was so sweet to me and bought me everything I wanted all the time. I can't believe he was celebrating too.

And the worst part was that it aired on tv, and millions of people saw it- Chris's words. I can't let my dumb parents stop me from winning this money. If I don't win, I'll have nowhere to go. No, I can always force my parents to put my things back in my room. But WHEN I win, I'm buying myself a fancy mansion. My parents will regret ever doing this to me.
xoxo, Heather

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