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Wednesday, 27 June 2007

Dear diary,
I swear, this show keeps getting worse and worse. Chris decided to bring back Izzy and crazy psychopath Eva. EVA. Out of all people. Now she's got it out for Bridgette, and she's scaring all of us. I need her gone. LeShawna can wait.
xoxo, Heather

Dear diary,
Yes! Eva's gone! Now I sleep in peace knowing that I won't be murdered in my sleep. I am going to have nightmares about her along with my stupid electroshock therapy ones. Hey, maybe my brain will get creative, and Eva will be the one getting shocked. She needs it WAY more than I did.

Duncan thinks I had something to do with Courtney getting kicked off. What an idiot. I wouldn't get Courtney voted out because she's not that useful to her team, to be honest. I don't know her that well, but she seriously needs to step up her game.
xoxo, Heather

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