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Thursday, 12 July 2007

Dear diary,
I hate Duncan. Let me explain:

The challenge was to catch whatever animal we were given with whatever tools they had in the toolshed. My animal was a freaking BEAR. A BEAR. Everyone else got small, non-threatening animals. It isn't fair! So I did what I had to do. Keep in mind, I had no other choice in this situation. Duncan had me dress up as a DEER to lure the bear into the cage. It was the most embarrassing moment of my LIFE. I can't believe that was aired on live TV. At least I'm still here.

Izzy was voted off (again), but she had to pay. She shot me with a blow dart, which left me completely paralyzed for a whole 30 minutes!! Of course, I pretended I was paralyzed for longer because I lost the challenge, and the penalty was to clean the bathrooms. There was no way I was going to do that, so Duncan had to. It's what he deserves anyways for making me dress up as a deer.
xoxo, Heather

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