Of course he doesn't move, Mel, what did you expect for him to suddenly open his eyes and jump out of this bed like in a daily soap opera after hearing your little shitty speech?! This isn't Days Of Our Lives!!

I feel all fight suddenly go out of me.

And then I start feeling like a total bitch also. I don't know what's come over me all of a sudden, but imagine if he actually could hear me, I wouldn't want these kind of words be the last thing that he hears.

"Marshall... just please wake up, okay? I love you," I mumble and then kiss his forehead.

I realize that there are tears streaming down my face and go to wipe them.

Marshall remains motionless and I get quiet and just sit next to him for the next hour or so.

The next day, Lyric keeps asking me about Whitney, so I decide to drive her to Kim's so she could see her sister. It's been a very long time now since she's seen her anyway.

I feel weird just popping up on Kim like that, but since me and her don't have each other's numbers, it's not like I could call her up and see if that would be okay first.

Kim looks surprised to see me to say the least, and not pleased at all for which I don't blame her.

"What are you doing here?" She asks, not bothering to hide the hostility in her voice.

"Lyric wanted to see Whitney," I shrug.

"And so you just what, decided to show up here?"

Lyric looks curiously from me to Kim, and I frown.

"Baby, go wait in the car a minute," I say to my daughter, then turn to Kim. "Look, Kim. Me and you, we obviously don't like each other and we are never gonna be friends, but we have to face that we've got daughters who are connected to each other because of Marshall and it might be that... it might be that he won't be coming back anymore, but we can't punish them for it, and for the fact that we don't get along with each other. Lyric and Whitney are sisters, and they are also each other's best friends, and she loves Hailie and Alaina too, so..."

"Fucking go ahead," Kim says with annoyance, and she steps aside, so Lyric and I could come in.

I turn to Lyric quickly and wave her over.

The girls are all spending time with each other while Kim and I sit awkwardly in the living room. This is actually like the first time I've ever been inside Kim's house. Now you can cut the tension between the two of us with a knife. I mean, it really is no secret that we've never liked each other. For obvious reasons.

"Look, do you want a fucking drink?" Kim suddenly exclaims and she leaves and returns with a bottle of wine.

"No, I'm trying to stop with all that actually," I shake my head. I haven't really been drinking much ever since that night I got so damn drunk at some party that I ended-up in bed with Ja Rule. "Plus, the girls are right there."

"Well, suit yourself," Kim says and pours herself a glass.

"Fuck it, just one glass," I then say, so she feels my cup as well.

We sit for a while and actually start to have a conversation, stiff as it is.

Kim turns on the TV and we sit and watch whatever junk is on, commenting on it.

"You know what, Melody," Kim suddenly says. "If you weren't the little homewrecking bitch that you are that used to fuck my husband back when I was still with him, you'd probably be almost okay in my book."

Her words hit me hard, I have no idea if it's because of the wine which always intensifies my emotions or what.

"I'm sorry, Kim," I say. "Back when I first met Marshall, I really didn't even know much about you, and I just didn't care, and it was wrong of me. I was just... in too deep with him to care, but I should have never..."

"Save it," she shrugs coldly. "Like you said, we would never be friends, but I guess we do have to get along, for the sake of the girls."


"But just to get it straight, it would never be more than that. I can't stand you and you can't stand me."

"Can't argue with that," I say and take another sip of my wine.

"You know, I do have to tell you something though," Kim suddenly says, and I narrow my eyes at her. Never did trust the bitch much.

"What is it?" I ask.

"Well, I'll cut straight to it," Kim then says. "Do you remember that day you went to see Marshall in rehab and he broke up with you, and he told you that he had been sleeping with me all along and that I was the one for him?"

How could I forget? I'll never forget that day, it was the day that Marshall finally broke my heart to the point where I didn't even care about anything anymore. But why is Kim bringing this up to me now? To gloat, to rub it in my face how she's won after all??

"Yeah, I remember," I reply coldly, refusing to show my emotions to her.

"Well, you know he lied to you, right?" She asks, and I fight to stop my eyes from widening, but fail.

"What are you saying?" I ask in confusion.

"Melody, Marshall has shown way more loyalty to you than he ever has to me. I mean, I'm sure he's slipped up on you sometimes with one of those groupies, as big as his ego is, it's hard for him to turn those whores down when they are practically throwing themselves at him and act like he's a God or something. But he has never cheated on you with me. Nor has he ever thought of me as the one, not since you came in the picture anyway. The only reason he said that to you back then was because he was going through like this weird self-loathing phase in rehab, and he felt like he didn't deserve you, blah blah blah," she rolls her eyes. "And he knew you would never leave him unless he really hurt you, so he went and said all of that to you. To make you leave him. But none of it was ever true," Kim finishes rather smugly, and I just sit there and stare at her.

None of this makes any sense.

And I don't even know why is she even saying this to me, for what reason?!

"Why are you telling me this now?" I quietly ask.

"Just figured that you needed to know," she shrugs.

And I really don't know what to even say, so I say nothing. I mean, even if what Kim is telling me right now is the actual honest truth, what does that even matter now?

A few hours later, Lyric and I leave and I take her back home and watch some kind of kid's show with her on TV, right before making sure she baths, brushes her teeth and goes to bed.

In the morning, I wake up from my cell phone ringing.

It's Denaun calling me, and I immediately tense. I feel like it could be only one reason he would be calling my phone, and that reason could be either very good or very bad.

"Hello?" I carefully answer.

"Mel?" Denaun says at the other end of the line. "He woke up this morning. He's asking for you."

Hi guys, I feel like it's been a while since I've talked to y'all on here lol.

So hopefully this chapter has somewhat cleared up the previous one for you guys. Just in case it hasn't though, Marshall was going through his overdose in there and recent events as well as some earlier events from his life were flashing in front of his eyes while he was in a coma.

Now, do you guys think it was selfish of Mel to leave him at this point of his life, and do y'all think she's a bitch for that little speech she gave him while he was in a coma, cause I'm not sure about it myself lol, so give me y'all feedback...

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