68. Selfish

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This chapter takes place a year after Proof's death, but about a day or so before the "events" of the previous chapter. Confusing, I know lol...

Melody's P.O.V.

I sit on the plane taking off from New York and going to Detroit, and it couldn't fucking fly faster, because I feel so much on edge, I feel like kicking and screaming and punching somebody.

This morning I got a call from Denaun.

Telling me something that was soon to be all over the news.

Marshall has overdosed on those pills he takes and is now in critical condition at the hospital.

I dropped everything, like literally everything I was doing at that moment and ran to catch a flight over there.

I was rushing so much that I literally didn't even have any time to think or feel anything, but right now, being forced to sit still on the plane, it all hits me all at once.

And I just fucking can't.

The events of the past year flashing in front of my eyes on a loop like a bad movie. Or like a bad fucking dream.

Marshall's screaming at me that day I finally left for New York.

"See, you are doing this to me again, Mel, you are fucking bailing on me when I needed you most!!"

He was totally cool with me moving originally, he came to terms with it.

Until Proof died.

And until I ended-up postponing going back to New York and actually moved back in with Marshall at his house for the next six months, since my own home in Detroit had been sold to the highest bidder by then.

So I moved back in with Marshall to keep an eye on him, because he was just too distraught after Proof's death for me to leave then.

I wanted to be there for him, I wanted to look after him, I fell back into the same pattern with him.

Marshall dealt with Proof's death in his own way.

He completely shut down and retreated into his shell.

For the first week or so, I had to literally remind him to do the most basic things. Like eat, change his clothes or take a shower. If I haven't told him to do those things he won't do it.

The only thing I didn't need to tell him to do was take those damn pills. Oh no, he did that all on his own.

And considering the circumstances, I dared not tell him to stop with the pills at that time.

Now, as I sit on the plane taking me to Detroit, I wonder, if that's my fault in a way. For enabling him and for eventually leaving...

The night of Proof's funeral, Marshall and I had sex. It just happened. We came back home from the funeral and I guess we both needed comforting. We both needed to take our frustrations and hurt out on each other, and we did it in the best way we knew how.

To tell you the truth, Proof's death hurt me as well. Not nearly in the same way as it has affected Marshall, obviously, as their bond really ran really deep, they were like brothers.

But Proof was... can't really explain it, but even if there were times when I couldn't stand him for covering up for Marshall or finding excuses for his behavior at times, I guess I understand why he did that. Proof was truly loyal, and he was a great person.

I knew that I was making a mistake giving in to Marshall that night, but at that time, it couldn't really be helped, plus it wasn't really about me at that time. It was about him.

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