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It had been 12 months ,
months since he had killed Vladimir,

12 months since his real father was killed and
12 months since Alex was crowned king,
'' Its's about to start dahlia says tugging at the sleeve of his suit and the music began to play

Everyone's attention went to back door

as Sage walked out in a beautiful white wedding dress and flowers in her hands
Today is Alex and Sage 's weeding day he had proposed a few months back

Dahlia claimed she saw it coming but I begged to differ, it was a Surprise to everyone.
Henry of course wasn't happy about it but he eventually caved. Even he had to admit they are perfect for each other.

The wedding was being held in the Palace courtyard that had been decorated in Blue and white flowers, it was Spring themed of course.

He watched as Henry appeared by her side in a black suit his hair messy as usual and he walked her down as
Alex stood at the end of the aisle

nervously waiting for her, he wore a royal velvet suit, with his dark chestnut hair brushed back and now he
suddenly realized that his best friend was going to be his brother too, the irony in it all

If someone had told her 12 months ago that's she was to be attending another wedding, it would have been too soon but she wouldn't miss this one for the World,
her two best friends were getting married, she couldn't help but shed a tears as soon as she saw Sage in her beautiful laced wedding drees, the back was low rise and it had white flowers sewn into the sleeves, her red hair had grown longer and flowed beautifully behind her under the veil

'' She's crying again'', Hazel says rolling her eyes and tapping Datura knee, as she sat on his lap.

her family had been found and living with them in the Palace since ,6 months ago after Anderton had been tortured enough to admit to have been keeping them captive in one of his camps in York.
luckily none of them got hurt except for her father who'd been tortured but he recovered quickly.
Anderton was charged with treason and sentenced to death by beheading while the rest of his knights were sentencedto exile.

Datura pulled a tissue out of his front pocket and handed it to her
'' I'm running out of tissues,'' he implied

''I know ,I can't help it, she just looks so pretty '',
he smiles at her and Adjust the white flower in her afro,
''You'll always be the prettiest in my eyes'', he says and she rolls her eyes hiding the fact that she's was blushing

''Would you too be quiet '', Hazel interrupts they're about to say their vowels
And they turned to watch as the priest appeared before them

'' do you his majesty Alexander of Weilighton take Sage Sinclair to be your lawful weeded wife to love and to hold in Sickness and health till death do you part?
'' I do '', he says assertively. Alex Looked just as handsome as ever in his suit and diamond incrusted crown. He turned to sage and held her hands in his

"I vow to always be faithful, and always be your best friend, no matter what the future might bring,I promise to always root for you, cheer you on, and be your biggest fan and finally
"I promise to love and support you."

And then the Priest turned to sage
'' Do you Sage Sinclair take his highness Alexander of Weilighton to be your lawful wedded husband to love and to hold in sickness and health till death do you part?

''I do, a million times I do, she squealed,'' They could see her bright smile through the veil.

'' With all the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife, King and Queen of weilighton-
''You may now kiss the bride! Hazel exclaimed jumping up from Datura's lap and they all laughed as Alex pulled over her veil and kissed Sage

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