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A full moon hid shyly behind the distant mountains as the night came to a standstill with nothing but the hoots of owls and the brush of wind against the trees that filled The woods, as they took refuge in an old cave

''I think we lost them '', Henry sighed as he slumped down on some nearby rocks. Sage was on the ground beside him catching her breath. While dahlia applied pressure onto Alex's wounds, Datura knelt beside her taking everything in he couldn't help but feel guilty for what just happened but there was a certain thrill that he got from leaving Vladimir unconscious body behind while he run through the night.

The cave was pitch black and they could barely see each other.
''I think I can make a fire'', he gathered some stray sticks and a couple rocks and in no time a tiny flame was lit and their shadows were cast on the walls of the cave.
Datura sat down by fire, sage and henry moved closer as well. Dahlia left Alex to rest and went to sit down with the rest of them.
''I'm dahlia by the way '', she said staring into the fire.
''good to know ''. Said henry tiredly as sage nodded beside him. ''I'm henry this is my sister Sage ''.

''why are you wearing a wedding dress dahlia?'' Sage bluntly asked barely making eye contact with her. She could somewhat tell that sage already didn't like her.
''And why are you protecting a mercenary?'' Henry added before she could even answer the last question.

She glanced at Datura and he gave her an assuring nod that she could trust them.
''I was held captive by ''Anderton
''the mercenary king?'' Commented henry
She nodded. I'' was sold into marrying him by my parents, I -uh -I don't really know for how long exactly, I lost track of time '',
she brought her knees closer to her chest trying to suppress her feint memory. "And today I escaped from my wedding So I guess I'm a runaway bride she smiled as she couldn't believe the words coming out of her mouth, the trauma in it all.

'' Alex, she says, turning her head towards him resting on ground behind them, is the only reason I managed to escape. That's why I tried to save him, without him I would've been dead by now or even worse married to Anderton.''

everyone fell silent at what she had just said she could sense their pity but she didn't really need it Abruptly she felt a warm palm on her shoulder and looked at Datura she could see the empathy in his eyes.

Datura spoke up breaking the silence ''things still aren't adding up who are the mercenaries and why is my Father so important to the knights that were chasing us?'' everyone except henry turned to him in surprise,

'' How do you not know that?'' Asked Sage, 'Vladimir's the head of the royal knights and he's also the Kings older brother.''

Datura turned to Henry ''what is she talking about?''Henry immediately avoided eye contact with him.

He wondered why henry never mentioned any of this to him, does that mean he's like royalty? None of this is making sense, why had he lived alone in a tower all his life instead of palace?

''I was just as confused as you are, Dahlia admitted, when you said he was your father no offense but you look kind of far from royalty if you ask me '', she teased highlighting the fact that he's clothes and appearance were that of any ordinary peasant just like the rest them.
''Says the girl in a torn up, bloody brides gown, scoffed Sage, nobody asked you! ''. The hostility on her face said it all.
'' it was just a joke '', She muttered to herself. Why did she take it so personal she wasn't talking to her anyways?

''You know what, Datura insisted I think it's best we start to be honest with each other For now on and that includes you hen ''.
He looked at him with a straight face, ''you have some explaining to do''.

'' Fine, hehry sighed ,well if you must Know everything I guess I should start from the beginning
''Go ahead

''shortly After the crowned prince went missing and was proclaimed dead the Queen caught depression and fell into a stragic sleep( a coma) she's never woken up since.
The king on the other hand grew angrier he blamed his enemies for losing of his only son and Losing the woman he loved, claiming it was their plan to make him weaker.

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