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He listened silently as henry and dahlia told him the truth, the gut wrenching truth .

He was not born a sick child, his mother was alive and breathing and he was taken away from her, his was life taken away from him his entire existence was a lie.

He mind took him back to his childhood when he asked to leave the tower when he asked to see the world when he begged his father for answers,
for attention or at least the slightest sign that showed he loved him .The lonely nights he spent alone he basically raisedhimself
The suffering and pain he had endured he was not ill he was never ill ,it was all the effects of the poison that he was feed every day for 19 years each sip slowly killing him
he was the boy in the story he was the missing prince, He was the reason thousands died at the frustration of the king all because of one man's
selfishness all because of his wicked desire of what was never his

'' Are you okay Dahlia asks placing a hand his shoulder but he pulled away

''why did you keep this from me ? he looked to henry and Sage you knew all these years? His eyes seethed with anger and betrayal

''it's all my fault, henry explains Sage didn't know until just now the confusion on her face showed that it was true, 'Dahlia and Alex had only found out this morning''

Datura closed his eyes for a second ''I thought you were my friend"

''Dat I am your friend-
''friends don't keep secrets like this henry!" he snapped standing up

''You talk of trust but you're the least trustworthy person here". The thunder roared even louder outside as the rain heaved down, causing the windows of the cabin to burst open letting in the cold chills of the wind

Henry shakes his head ''I was trying to protect you'' he tries to treason

''Protect me from what ! what do I need protecting from! I never asked you to do any of this!
''they are going to kill you! henry blurted out.
''I'm already dying henry why does that matter?''

''you don't understand they're going to kill all of us that why I tried to get us away "

Datura crossed is arms "You keep talking but nothing you're saying is making sense, "

Henry sighed and ran a hand through his head " I over heard Vladimir and Anderton one night when I followed him, they said they were going to kill you after the coronation. He said he was going to kill me and Sage as well to cut loose ends thats why I tried to convince you to leave with us"

Somehow he knew henry wasn't telling him the whole truth "why did you start working for Vladimir? " he questioned

Henry looked to the ground he knew he's lies had caught up to him
" Because I wanted to be knight .he shrugged " My father was one before he died and I wanted to leave up to that
Vladimir promised to train me if I helped curry out his dirty work and l needed the money For Sage and I

" dirty work ? Sage repeated
Henry sighed again " I've done a lot of things I'm not proud of he turned to
Datura " he noticed you were getting ambitious abd so he td me to keep an eye on you during the nights ye wasn't around to stop you from leaving the tower and I-. "

"You pretended to be my friend ?" Datura accused his eyes narrowed in betrayal

''that's not true, our friendship was real, I'm sorry "

He finally looked back and henry and saw the scary haired ,10 year old kid that tripped over anything and everything, that made him laugh even when he hated being alive the most that listened to his stories of seeing the world the same kid that looked at him now with guilt and sorry eyes

Datura Where stories live. Discover now