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That night when everyone fell asleep she scolded herself fot not being able to stop thinking about him, when she closed her eyes he was in her dreams and when she stared up into the darkness his deep blue eyes stared back at her. She's convinced she has finally completely lost her mind.

She sat up and noticed Sage wasn't next to her, where she first fell asleep earlier and then she noticed Datura was gone too were they together? A spun of jealously overcame her and she hated it .
why why was she so dumb Sage had known him far longer than she had their bond was obvious .
But why did it hurt so much ,so what if he was with her ,doing God knows what? She didn't care, as a matter of fact she was going back to sleep and she was going to sleep peacefully!
She dare him torment her sleep like this.
Just as she closed her eyes she heard somone walk back in. It was Sage she sniffled and wiped away the tears that filled her eyes.
''Sage are you okay ?'' she asks
''Just go back to bed Dahlia !'',she dismisses and Dahlia knew better than to push her.

She waited till Sage fell asleep before she steppen out
The ranging wind welcomed her as she, it didn't take long before she found him

he had his hair loosely tied back and he was seated on a rock .
he had been drawing something in the mud with a stick and when she slowly walked up to him it's like he heard her coming and kicked his feet so the dust settled on what he had drawn.
''Hiding something ?'',she says before taking a seat next to him.

''I'ts nothing he responds ,he voice deep and calm
''Cant sleep?, he says looking at her with a weak smile

'' What did you say to Sage?'' she interrogates

''Sage? I haven't seen Sage since dinner''

'' Are you sure?
his eyebrows furrowed in confusion ''Why are you asking me this dahlia?"

''No , its nothing"

''are you sure? is Sage okay?''

''She's fine like I said its nothing''.

She leaned onto his shoulder and held his gaze.
He smiled at her and said
''Its looks like its about to rain''
but she didn't want to go back inside she didn't want to leave his side. She didn't even know what she was doing here.
'' Can't we stay a little longer? ,she suggests .

His eyes widen ''Were going to get soaked'' he responds surprised

'' Whats a little rain ?''
he grabs her hand looking into her eyes '' whats wrong ?

''Nothing'' she replies
but he can see right through her and but he raises an eyebrow
''So now we're telling lies? "

'' It's just why do you play games with me ?"

''Games? he reponds confused

''You know when ,you stare at
me,giving me longing looks when its clear your heart belongs to another.
so if would please stop maybe I could finally have a peaceful nights sleep''

He laughs in response ,"my heart belongs to no one Dahlia and as far as your sleep I'm not responsible for you dreaming about me ''
he lifts his chin and looks down at her teasingly

She shoves him '' I do not dream about you!" and he laughs

''If it makes you feel any better you taunt my dreams everynight .It was true he saw her everywhere there was once he stared into his own refelection for far too long that it turned into her ,her arresting hazel eyes staring back at him.

She shakes her head ''Now you're the one who tells lies "
''Dying men tell no lies Dahlia ,he assures If could hold your gaze forever I could"
just then drops of rain began to fall drenching them .And he watches as rain trickles down the freckles on her brown skin.

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