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The sounds of howling in the distance filled the uneasy silence as they settled down .The destruction the village faced during the wars was visible ,abandoned carriages spread across streets and old wooden houses nearly falling apart they manage to find a decent one right by the woods they came from .

The destruction the village faced during the wars was visible ,abandoned carriages spread across streets and old wooden houses nearly falling apart they manage to find a decent one right by the woods they came from

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Henry had put Datura down in one of the rooms while they sat at the fire .
All they had for dinner was some left over stale apples and dried bread rolls from the night before it wasn't much but at least it was something.

Dahlia stretched out her hands warming them by the fire while sage sat beside her, henry sat alone on a nearby rock across from Alex, everyone was pretty tense after the events of today.

''Thanks Sage says in a low voice
''For what?" Dahlia asks
''Everything, you know I wouldn't have known how to handle that situation my brother has these sides to him that I can't control and I just freeze when he gets like that".
''It's okay Sage there no need to thank me". Dahlia had grown up with three crazy sisters that were much scarier than Alex and Henry when they fought. Just then she realized she missed her sisters ,she missed their bickering and them stealing her clothes she even missed hazels snoring in these lonely quiet nights .

They both looked at Henry tossing tiny sticks into the fire his gingery hair draped over his face

''he's just hurting right now,we all are ''
''I think it reminds him of losing our parents says Sage "he doesn't want to admit it but I believe he still has some built up anger from their death"

''he just needs time ", she placed her hand on Sage's knee" ,It will be alright"

''And How are you so sure about that" says henry?
''what do you mean?"
''it's like you 've all given up were supposed to be looking for more answers instead of sitting here moping by a fire''.
''Henry we've tried, says Sage, there's nothing else You know this''.
''How could you accept this so easily? He scoffed.
''I'm not! You know how I feel about him!"
Dahlia was taken aback what did she mean by that?
''henry shrugged his shoulders maybe I don't,"
Sage looked like she felt insulted, her green eyes pained ,she stood up and walked away
Screw this and screw you henry!" She yelled before leaving.

''The mage said she has a few more days left, Alex implied "we still have time to find more answers''
''And why do you care ",Henry Snapped! You've killed thousands of people blindly everyday what's some random guy you only met a few days ago to you?''
Alex held everything in him to stop him from saying something back .Henry scoffed at his silence and walked away ''I'm going to check on Dat '', he muttered to dahlia
''Good night'', she muttered back.

she looked over at Alex he had his back turned facing down at his hands, she felt bad for him he didn't deserve to be spoken to like that, no matter who he was,or what he'd done she walked over and sat down on a rock next to him.
''You okay?
'' You don't need to worry about me
''that wasn't an answer, the wind caused His dark waves blow carelessly on his forehead shielding his dark brown eyes
He let out a deep breath knowing Dahlia wasn't going to leave until he talked ''It just he thinks he's the only one that was affected by the wars,"

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